Get Out: The Complete Annotated Screenplay


The Invisible Dragon


Air Guitar eBook


A New Program for Graphic Design






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First Aid for Art: Essential Salvage Techiques eBook

Text by Jane K. Hutchins and Barbara O. Roberts.

When disaster strikes, the first few hours are critical to saving art, artifacts and important objects. This eBook, written by highly regarded professional museum conservators, outlines procedures and techniques to help improve the chances of rescuing artworks, photographs, books, memorabilia, textiles and furniture from catastrophic damage. Although not a manual on formal art conservation, this eBook will help you to organize materials, time and tasks to make decisions when triage is the only option. Presented with graphic clarity, this handy publication will provide welcome guidance to non-specialists and professionals alike.
Treatments are organized into 12 chapters, each dealing with a particular medium. Pared to the essentials, the chapters begin with an introduction about the properties and treatment of common materials. This is followed by a description of what to anticipate and how to determine immediate and deferred action. Suggestions for stabilizing materials until professional assistance is available are outlined. Concluding each chapter is a brief list of supplies. The book includes an appendix of professional resources.


Collecting Impressionism
Chosen Memories: Contemporary Latin American Art from the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Gift and Beyond
Dark Light: Realism in the Age of Post-Truths
C4: Nazgol Ansarinia, Mercedes Azpilicueta, Invernomuto, Diamond Stingily
Before the Storm
The Henraux Collection
Atelier 10: Now We Are Ten
Corporate Collections in the Worlds of Arts, Business and Cultural Heritage
Regards de Femmes
Icons: Images in Resonance
Vanhaerents Art Collection
Native American Art from the Thomas W. Weisel Family Collection
Spain and the Hispanic World
The New African Portraiture: Shariat Collections
Fire Figure Fantasy
The Animal Within: Creatures In (and Outside)
Making Their Mark: Art by Women in the Shah Garg Collection
Signals: How Video Transformed the World
Inspirational Women
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden: The Collection
Renoir, Monet, Gauguin: Images of a Floating World
Royal Book Lodge
Ruttkowski;68 – 10 Years
The Architecture of: Deception, Confinement, Transformation
In Medias Res #1: Histories Read Across
Collecting Nature
The Box Catalogues of the Städtisches Museum Mönchengladbach
Timeless Beauty
Border Crossings
Mother! Origin of Life
One Thing Well
The Box Catalogues of the Städtisches Museum Mönchengladbach
Carnegie Museum of Art Collection Handbook
The Panza Collection
Glenstone: The Pavilions
Amor Mundi
Making Strange: The Chara Schreyer Collection
Artpace at 25
Russian Avantgarde in the Museum Ludwig
Dia: An Introduction to Dia's Locations and Sites
Object Lessons
European Paintings and Sculpture from Joslyn Art Museum
MFA Highlights: European Painting and Sculpture before 1800
Icons and Identities
Creating (My) Order in the World
Step by Step
Dutch and Flemish Masterworks from the Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo Collection
Freud: The Origin of Psychoanalysis
Futurist Mail
Helena Rubinstein: Madame’s Collection
House of Europe
Out of Order
Reason Gives No Answers
With Borrowed Eyes: Wemhöner Collection
50 Artists: Highlights of The Broad Collection
MFA Highlights: Arts of South Asia
Love Stories
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: A Guide to the Collections
Chamber of the Heart
Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg / Asger Jorn: Mondjäger
Back to the Future!
Art without Frontiers
Before/After: The Murray and Isabella Rayburn Foundation
Martin Z. Margulies Collection Vol. II
SInce 1986
Local Histories
Four Generations
Sur moderno: Journeys of Abstraction
Steven Leiber: Catalogs
Four Generations: The Joyner Giuffrida Collection of Abstract Art
1995–2015 Jubilee: EVN Collection
Stories of Finnish Art
Museo de Arte Ponce
Dancing with Myself: Self-Portrait and Self-Invention Works from the Pinault Collection
Exit Art
The Fourth BMW Art Guide by Independent Collectors
Sculpture on the Move 1946–2016
Ydessa Hendeles: From Her Wooden Sleep...
Myth, Allegory, Faith
Deste 33 Years: 1983–2015
Nestlé Art Collection
Tell It to My Heart, Volume 2
Picasso to Warhol: Fourteen Modern Masters
How Soon Now
Time Capsule
The Arthur and Hedy Hahnloser Collection
Switzerlart: A Collection of Swiss Art in Five Chapters
Art Works
Through the Looking Brain
Visual Art in the Oslo Opera House
The 80s Revisited
Artspace Is/Artspace Was
Black Light/White Noise: Light and Sound in Contemporary Art
Atelier Del Bosco Di Villa Medici
Collection: The Castello Di Rivoli
Visions: Galleria Valentina Moncada
On Mobility: Premio FURLA per l'arte
Breakout: Chinese Art Outside China
Magic Line
Fortunate Objects
Shared Space
Everything That's Interesting Is New
Meet the Artists: The First Collaboration by the Phenomenal Pop Combo Jake, George, Paul and Dinos
Panic Room
Monument To Now
Monument To Now
BibliOdyssey: Amazing Archival Images from the Dusty Corners of the Internet!
The New Yorker Visits The Guggenheim
Art Of This Century
Art Of Tomorrow: Hillay Rebay And Solomon R. Guggenheim
From Picasso To Pollock
Guggenheim Museum Collection: A To Z
Peggy Guggenheim & Frederick Kiesler: The Story Of Art Of This Century
Peggy Guggenheim Collection
Singular Forms (Sometimes Repeated)
The Hugo Boss Prize 2006
Douglas Gordon's Vanity Of Allegory
Learning Through Art
The Guggenheim Collection
The Museum of Non-Objective Painting
Masterpieces of the Albertina
Art&Idea: 10 Years
Art Basel Miami Beach 2007
Views on Europe: Europe and German Painting in the Nineteenth Century
Idylls: Illusion and Delusion
Alien Nation
Beyeler Collection
Held Together with Water
Swiss Made: Precision and Madness
Made in Germany: Young Contemporary Art from Germany
The Other Collection: Homage to Hildy and Ernst Beyeler
Into Me / Out of Me
Dream and Trauma
Face to Face
Rolf Ricke Collection
The Julia Stoschek Collection
Julia Stoschek Collection, Number Two
Hess Art Collection
Boros Collection
Masterpieces of the Kunsthaus Zürich: Art to Hear Series
Ahead Of The 21St Century
Grasslin Collection
Ice Hot: Recent Painting From The Scharpff Collection
Synagogue Stommeln: Art Projects
The Marzona Collection
Home For The Impressionists: Museum Langmatt Baden, A
Berlin 1994-2003: Galerie Max Hetzler
Set Pieces
Phantasmagoria: Specters of Absence
Fast Forward
Le Magasin: 1986-2006
Private View 1980-2000: Collection Pierre Huber
In/Visible: Collection Productions
Blasted Allegories
Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst
Collection agnès b.
Wanderland: Israel-Palestine
Inside the Work: Documentation of 10 years KUB
Sip My Ocean: Video from the Louisiana Collection
China Onward The Estella Collection: Chinese Contemporary Art, 1966-2006
A Constructive Vision
Sweet Tooth
The Geometry of Hope: Latin American Abstract Art from the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Collection
Singular Vision, A
Director's Choice
John Currin Selects
Things I Love: The Many Collections Of William I. Koch
American Paintings: MFA Highlights
Arts Of Ancient Egypt
The Romance of Modernism
Material Journeys
Shy Boy, She Devil, and Isis: The Art of Conceptual Craft
Art of Collecting: The Spaulding Brothers and Their Legacy
The MFA Handbook
Masterpieces: Great Paintings of the World in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Splendor and Elegance
Native American Art: MFA Highlights
A New World Imagined
This Is Not To Be Looked At
What's New Pussycat?
Sediment 12/2006
20/21: MAK Collection of Contemporary Art
Art In Our Time
Moma Qns Commemorative Boxed Set
An Invitation To See
Contemporary Voices
Making Choices: 1929, 1939, 1948, 1955
Modern Contemporary
Modern Contemporary
Modern Means: Continuity And Change In Art, 1880 To Now
Modern Painting And Sculpture
Modern Starts
Moma Highlights
Moma Highlights
On The Edge
To Be Looked At: Painting And Sculpture From The Museum Of Modern Art
Visions Of Modern Art
Against the Grain
MoMA Contemporary Highlights
A Modern Garden: The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden at The Museum of Modern Art
Dada in the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art
Abstract Expressionism at The Museum of Modern Art
Imagine You Are Standing Here In Front Of Me
Museum Boijmans: Van Beuningen
Companion To Modern And Contemporary Art, A
Corporate Collections in the Netherlands
Strategies Of Display
Artists' Editions for Parkett: 200 Art Works 25 Years
The Prado Museum
Cahier No. 2
Cahier No. 6
Cahier No. 7
Cahiers No. 3
Wide White Space 1966-1976
Cahier No. 5
Masterworks of Modern Art from The Museum Of Modern Art, New York
The Sala Reservada And The Nude In The Prado Museum
States of Exchange
Matrix: Berkeley
Measure of Time
Bits & Pieces Put Together To Present A Semblance Of A Whole
Brave New Worlds
Forces Of The 50S
Staging Surrealism
Dreaming Red
At Home/Not at Home
Art at Colby
ArtWorks: The Progressive Collection
Occupying Space
New York Cool: Painting and Sculpture from the NYU Art Collection
Eden's Edge: Fifteen L.A. Artists
Hammer Projects
The Panza Collection
Jamaica Flux
Site Matters
Unpacking the Collection
American Dream: Collecting Richard Prince For 27 Years
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Saatchi Gallery: The Triumph of Painting
Just Love Me
Public Space, Two Audiences: Works and Documents from the Herbert Collection
Saatchi Gallery: The Triumph of Painting
Most Wanted: The Olbricht Collection
Georg Kargl, Fine Arts Since 1998
Between Two Deaths
Blitzen-Benz BANG: Daimler Art Collection
Forty Are Better Than One
The Zero Era
Kunsthaus Zürich, The Masterpieces
The Fairest of Them All
Paul Klee: Zentrum Paul Klee
Hit & Run
Pop Art: The John And Kimiko Powers Collection
Marcello Levi: Portrait of a Collector
Gian Enzo Sperone-Turin-Rome-New York
Imperfect Innocence
Acquisitions 1993-2003 Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
The Collection of Brigitte & Arend Oetker
The Collection Book: Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary
Crosskick: European Art Academies as Guests in German Kunstvereine
Op Art
Optik Schröder
Based on Paper: Marzona-Marzona Collection
Skulpture Park Köln, 4
The Rausch Collection
Städelschule Frankfurt am Main
Konrad Fischer: Okey Dokey
Collection Videos & Films Isabelle & Jean-Conrad Lemaitre
Portikus 2004-2007
Peter Loewy: Private Collection
Paper Placemats
J&L Illustrated No. 2
Feast of Color
Friedrich Christian Flick Collection Im Hamburger Bahnof
French Art at Ordrupgaard
A Bit of Matter and a Little Bit More
Discourses in Art
Conceptual Art
20 + Years of Witte de With
Keeping it Real
The Luminous Interval
The Lucid Evidence
The Nahmad Collection
A Feast for the Eyes
Heinz & Marianne Ebers Foundation
The Hubert Looser Collection
In the Eye of the Muses
The William S. Paley Collection
Fast Forward: Modern Moments, 1913-2013
Rectangle and Square
Arts of Korea: MFA Highlights
Resonance and Silence
Julia Stoschek Collection, Number Five
BMW Art Guide by Independent Collectors
MoMA Highlights: 350 Works from The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Van Gogh, Dalí, and Beyond: The World Reimagined
Arts of China: MFA Highlights
Les Chefs-d'oeuvre de la Donation Yvon Lambert
Mirages d’Orient, Grenades & Figues de Barbarie
Hauser & Wirth
Julia Stoschek Collection, Number Six
Modernist Masterpieces
The Michael Werner Collection
Ed Ruscha: The Ancients Stole All Our Great Ideas
Human Capsules
Stedelijk Collection Reflections
Stedelijk Collection Highlights
The Lunder Collection
Giuseppe & Giovanna Panza Collectors
Tell It to My Heart
Ileana Sonnabend: Ambassador for the New
Great Meadows
America's Garden of Art
The Origins of the Albertina
BMW Art Cars
The System of Objects
Struck by Pictures
Alexander the Great: The Iolas Gallery, 1955-1987
Time Pieces
German Art in the Louisiana Collection
Des Moines Art Center Collects
The No Colors
For Your Eyes Only
Elective Affinity
Concentric Circles
Schmatz: Lunches at Steidl
Love Story
Ludwig Goes Pop
Element 47: The Art Collection
Come and See
Painting and Sculpture at The Museum of Modern Art
A Private Passion
One Day, Something Happens: Paintings of People
Art from Elsewhere
National Portrait Gallery: A Portrait of Britain
Chateau Lacoste
Oliver Ranch
Contemporary Art: MFA Highlights
The Third BMW Art Guide by Independent Collectors
Italian Paintings
Painting and Sculpture
Future Present
Exhibit Russia: The New International Decade 1986-1996
Impressionism Abroad: Boston And French Painting
Masters of Colour Derain to Kandinsky: Masterpieces from the Mrezbacher Collection
Masterpieces from Dresden
Treasures from Budapest: European Masterpieces from Leonardo to Schiele
School Of Genius: A History Of The Royal Academy Of Arts
Pre-Raphaelite and Other Masters: The Andrew Lloyd Webber Collection
Ancient Art To Post-Impressionism: Masterpieces From The Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen
Behind the Mirror: Aime Maeght and His Artists: Bonnard, Matisse, Miro, Calder, Giacometti, Braque
Houghton Revisited: The Walpole Masterpieces from Catherine the Great's Hermitage
Masters Of Colour: Derain To Kandinsky; Masterpieces From The Merzbacher Collection.
The New English: A History of the New English Art Club
USA Today: New American Art from the Saatchi Gallery
Ed Ruscha: Metro Mattresses
Kunst Design Architektur Grafik: Pinakothek der Moderne
Asian Art
Rijksmuseum: 1100–1600
Rijksmuseum in Detail
Collection Klein
Foundation Beyeler: The Collection
Minimal Art
Participation: ART for the World 1995–2016
Being Modern: Building the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art
Dutch Drawings in Swedish Public Collections
MAMCO Genève
Process and Practice
Collection MER
Arte Povera Seen by Ingvild Goetz
Ileana Sonnabend and Arte Povera
From Anselm to Zilla
Louvre Abu Dhabi
Golda and Meyer Marks Cobra Collection
Collezione Giuseppe Iannaccone: A New Figurative Art and Narrative of the Self
Great Museums of Italy
New Skin
The Long Curve
The Art of Tomorrow Today: The Collection
The Erling Neby Collection
Longing for Eternity
The Conde Museum at the Chateau De Chantilly
The Mattioli Collection
Walk on the Wild Side
Beyond the Town: Conversations of Art and Land
The Shape of Time
French Modernism at the Guggenheim
Oasis in the City
Tudors to Windsors
Exhibiting the Exhibition
Martin Z. Margulies Collection
A Luta Continua: The Sylvio Perlstein Collection
Louvre Abu Dhabi
The Great Spectacle
Sammlung Goetz: Generations
Kramlich Residence and Collection
The Syz Collection
Among Others: Blackness at MoMA
Lincoln Kirstein's Modern
Knots: Art & History
An Atlas of Rare & Familiar Colour
An Atlas of Rare & Familiar Colour
Cheim & Read: Twenty-One Years
The FLAG Art Foundation
Furla Series #01 Time After Time, Space After Space
Remember Everything: 40 Years Galerie Max Hetzler
Object Lessons: The Visualisation Of Nineteenth-Century Life Sciences
Generali in History
Wes Anderson & Juman Malouf: Spitzmaus Mummy in a Coffin and Other Treasures
25 Years! Fotomuseum Winterthur
Trouble in Paradise
The Art Collection: The Cabinet of Ramon Haze
Alfred Schmela: A Centenary Exhibition
Domus Grimani
Now Is the Time: Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg
Bauhaus / Documenta
20 Years: The Acquisitions of the Musée Du Quai Branly
MoMA Now
La mère la mer
100 Fashion Icons
100 Writers
The Louvre Abu Dhabi
Syria Matters
Guggenheim Museum Collection: A to Z
MFA Highlights: Arts of Africa
Something Greater
Looking Writing Reading Looking
German Expressionism
The Irascibles: Painters Against the Museum (New York, 1950)
Migrating Objects
Body. Gaze. Power.
Thirty Years for Contemporary Art – Volume 1
Thirty Years for Contemporary Art – Volume 2
The Sleeve Should Be Illegal
Multiples, Inc. 1965–1992
La Bourse de Commerce
Botanical Beauty
The Cool and the Cold: Painting in the USA and the USSR 1960–1990
The Art of Food
Tamayo: 40 Years
Castaway Modernism
Ringier Collection: Collection At Work
Just Above Midtown: Changing Spaces
X Museum 2020–2021
Artist-Run Democracy: Sustaining a Model
Museo de Arte Ponce
Contemplations of a Collector
GRAY at 60
The Struggle of Memory
Kunsthalle Bega Box
Julien Levy
The Circulating Lifeblood of Ideas: Leo Steinberg’s Library of Prints
Reaching for the Stars
Hot Days in Tenerife
National Portrait Gallery: The Collection
Ghisla: Art Collection
Sights on Iraqi Modern and Contemporary Art from the Ibrahimi Collection
The Red Sea Museum
Edizioni Conz 1972–2009
Positive Fragmentation
Grace Wales Bonner: Dream in the Rhythm
Studio Marconi 1966–80: An Anthology
Masterpieces from the William Rubin Collection
The Milton and Sheila Fine Collection
Diving into Art
Warwick Collection
Art & Project: A History
Hortensia Herrero Collection
Rubell Museum: Highlights & Artists' Writings
The World as It Goes
The Infinite Woman
Maeght Universe
Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain: Voir Venir, Venir Voir
Kahnweiler & Rupf
The Square’s Heart
Fondation Beyeler: 25 Highlights
The Magical Langmatt
The Phillip G. Schrager Collection at the Joslyn Art Museum
Elective Affinities: Picasso, Matisse, Klee and Giacometti
The Vujicic Collection: To Live a Quiet Life
Shining Blades
Balloon Museum
Collecting the Future
The Renaissance Gallery
Abundant Futures
Being Object, Being Art
The Haniel Collection
Forms of Awakening: Tibetan Art
Vicky and Marcos Micha Levy: Portrait of a Collection
African Art: The ARAK Collection
Day for Night: New American Realism
Let It Grow Again
Line, Form, Qi: Calligraphic Art from the Fondation INK Collection