MARQUAND BOOKSeBook Editions for iPad, Nook and KindleFirst Aid for Art: Essential Salvage Techiques eBookText by Jane K. Hutchins and Barbara O. Roberts. |   | When disaster strikes, the first few hours are critical to saving art, artifacts and important objects. This eBook, written by highly regarded professional museum conservators, outlines procedures and techniques to help improve the chances of rescuing artworks, photographs, books, memorabilia, textiles and furniture from catastrophic damage. Although not a manual on formal art conservation, this eBook will help you to organize materials, time and tasks to make decisions when triage is the only option. Presented with graphic clarity, this handy publication will provide welcome guidance to non-specialists and professionals alike.
Treatments are organized into 12 chapters, each dealing with a particular medium. Pared to the essentials, the chapters begin with an introduction about the properties and treatment of common materials. This is followed by a description of what to anticipate and how to determine immediate and deferred action. Suggestions for stabilizing materials until professional assistance is available are outlined. Concluding each chapter is a brief list of supplies. The book includes an appendix of professional resources. | |
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