DATE 4/30/2024

Danny Lyon at Photobook Austin

DATE 4/30/2024

Rizzoli Bookstore presents Roger A. Deakins with James Ellis Deakins and Matthew Heineman on 'Byways'

DATE 4/25/2024

Joshua Charow's 'Loft Law' documents the last of NYC's original artist lofts

DATE 4/25/2024

Join us at Printed Matter's NY Art Book Fair 2024!

DATE 4/25/2024

The Strand presents Joshua Charow in conversation with Wendy Goodman for the launch of 'Loft Law'

DATE 4/24/2024

Bungee Space presents Set Margins’ 6-Book Launch and Get Together

DATE 4/21/2024

Time & Space Limited presents "Memory as Various: Bernadette Mayer's 'Memory'"

DATE 4/20/2024

Heads up on 4/20!

DATE 4/18/2024

Howl! Arts/Howl! Archive presents Pyramid Pioneers with 'We Started a Nightclub' signing

DATE 4/18/2024

A birthright and a legacy in Ivan McClellan's 'Eight Seconds: Black Rodeo Culture'

DATE 4/14/2024

Vintage 'Audio Erotica' from Jonny Trunk

DATE 4/13/2024

Unnameable Books presents "Reading from Bernadette Mayer's 'Memory'"

DATE 4/13/2024

Artbook at Hauser & Wirth presents Heather McCalden and Cyrus Dunham launching 'The Observable Universe: An Investigation'


A spread from

Get David Reinfurt's 'A *New* Program for Graphic Design' at the NYABF

Launching Saturday, September 21, from 5:30–7 PM in David Senior's Classroom Series at the NY Art Book Fair, David Reinfurt's A *New* Program for Graphic Design is *the* communication design textbook of and for the 21st century. Featured spread—from the chapter on interface—concerns the results of Reinfurt's 2017 research project recreating Bruno Munari's 1965 Tetracono device. "It was a manufactured object of steel and aluminum, but its purpose was to produce a constantly changing image," Reinfurt writes. "Its rhetorical design was in its script: how the cones turn, the sequence, the phrasing, its temporal dimension. Munari called it both a product for exploring programming and an object for understanding forms in the process of becoming. Both of these lessons seem equally, or maybe more, important now than they did in 1965." Copies of the book will be available at the Inventory Press booth and at the Artbook Bookstore Event Space.

A New Program for Graphic Design

A New Program for Graphic Design

Inventory Press/D.A.P.
Pbk, 6 x 9 in. / 256 pgs / 40 color / 180 b&w.

$25.00  free shipping

Heads up on 4/20!

DATE 4/20/2024

Heads up on 4/20!

Vintage Valentine

DATE 2/14/2024

Vintage Valentine

Forever Valentino

DATE 11/27/2023

Forever Valentino