| Photography A History of Photography By Francoise Heilbrun, Helene Bocard, Joelle Bollach, Anne Cartier-Bresson, Dominique de Font-Reaulx, Michel Frizot, Anne de Mondenard, Guy Cogeval. This comprehensive book traces the origins and progression of photography from its humble beginnings in daguerreotypes to the gradual mastering of photographic portraits, techniques, and negatives. The wider use of photography in journalism, for documenting >>more Skira Paris ISBN 9782080300928 US $75.00 CAN $99.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 11.25 in. / 320 pgs / 400 illustrations. Pub Date: 06/16/2009 In stock |
| Dawoud Bey & Carrie Mae Weems: In Dialogue Edited with text by Ron Platt. Introduction by Dana Friis-Hansen. Text by Kinshasha Holman Conwill, Dawoud Bey, Carrie Mae Weems. Dawoud Bey and Carrie Mae Weems met in New York in the late 1970s, and over the next 45 years these close friends and colleagues have each produced unique and influential bodies of work around >>more DelMonico Books/Grand Rapids Art Museum ISBN 9781636810454 US $49.95 CAN $67.95 TRADE Hbk, 9.75 x 11 in. / 176 pgs / 13 color / 138 tritone. Pub Date: 06/21/2022 In stock |
| Dorothea Lange: Words & Pictures Edited with text by Sarah Hermanson Meister. Text by Julie Ault, Kimberly Juanita Brown, River Encalada Bullock, Sam Contis, Jennifer Greenhill, Lauren Kroiz, Sally Mann, Sandra Phillips, Wendy Red Star, Christina Sharpe, Robert Slifkin, Rebecca Solnit, Tess Taylor. Toward the end of her life, Dorothea Lange reflected, “All photographs—not only those that are so-called ‘documentary’... can be fortified by words.” Though Lange's career is widely heralded, this connection between words and pictures has >>more The Museum of Modern Art, New York ISBN 9781633451049 US $55.00 CAN $77.00 TRADE Clth, 9 x 10.5 in. / 176 pgs / 70 color / 75 duotone. Pub Date: 02/25/2020 In stock |
| Published in conjunction with the first major museum exhibition of Brazilian modernist photography outside of Brazil, Fotoclubismo presents the groundbreaking creative achievements of São Paulo’s Foto-Cine Clube Bandeirante, a group of amateur photographers founded in >>more The Museum of Modern Art, New York ISBN 9781633450844 US $45.00 CAN $63.00 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 10.5 in. / 184 pgs / 200 duotone. Pub Date: 04/13/2021 In stock |
| Henri Cartier-Bresson: Le Grand Jeu Edited by Matthieu Humery. Text by Javier Cercas, Sylvie Aubenas, Annie Leibovitz, François Pinault, Wim Wenders. In the early 1970s, at the request of his friends and collectors John and Dominique Menil, Henri Cartier-Bresson went through the thousands of prints in his archives with the idea of choosing the most important >>more Marsilio ISBN 9788829704200 US $65.00 CAN $92.00 TRADE Hbk, 10.25 x 12.5 in. / 352 pgs / 650 duotone. Pub Date: 08/25/2020 Out of stock |
| When the Kenyan-born photographer N.V. Parekh opened his Mombasa portrait studio in 1942, the city was galvanized. People came to visit Parekh from all over East Africa to mark important events such as weddings, reunions, >>more Damiani ISBN 9788862087612 US $50.00 CAN $68.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs / 75 b&w. Pub Date: 06/14/2022 In stock |
| A Wall Street Journal 2020 holiday gift guide pick
Imagining Everyday Life: Engagements with Vernacular Photography surveys the expansive field of vernacular photography, the vast archive of utilitarian images created for bureaucratic structures, commercial usage and >>more Steidl/The Walther Collection, New York ISBN 9783958296275 US $55.00 CAN $77.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.75 in. / 400 pgs / 180 color / 180 b&w. Pub Date: 07/14/2020 Out of stock |
| From the beginning of the large anti-Shah demonstrations in Tehran on December 10, 1978, to the withdrawal of the Iranian military on February 11, 1979, Days of Blood, Days of Fire captures the joys >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783940064455 US $30.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Pbk, 8.75 x 8.75 in. / 120 pgs / 153 b&w. Pub Date: 02/23/2021 In stock |
| In the 1890s, the Berlin artist, sculptor and teacher Karl Blossfeldt (1865-1932) started to photograph plants, seeds and other illustrative material from nature for the purpose of teaching his students about the patterns and designs >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037786369 US $55.00 CAN $82.50 TRADE Hbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 512 pgs / 100 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 02/02/2021 In stock |
| The saturation of our social landscape by photographs and photographers is apparent from any public point of view. Photography is arguably the most democratic of mediums, even more accessible today across culture and class than >>more Eakins Press Foundation ISBN 9780871300881 US $65.00 CAN $88.00 TRADE Clth, 11.5 x 12 in. / 168 pgs / 147 duotone. Pub Date: 10/19/2021 In stock |
| A Chicago Tribune 2020 holiday gift guide pick
In 1961, Leonard Freed was on assignment in Berlin. He photographed a Black soldier standing in front of the wall. The irony of this soldier defending the USA >>more Reel Art Press ISBN 9781909526778 US $59.95 CAN $84.95 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 12.5 in. / 224 pgs / 160 b&w. Pub Date: 11/17/2020 In stock |
| In 1973, John Szarkowski, the revered director of photography at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, published his classic volume Looking at Photographs: 100 Pictures from the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art, >>more Damiani ISBN 9788862087025 US $45.00 CAN $63.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.75 x 8.75 in. / 204 pgs / 100 color. Pub Date: 04/07/2020 In stock |
| Italian photographer Luigi Ghirri (1943–92) made Cardboard Landscapes (Paesaggi di cartone) during his travels around Europe, coining the term “sentimental geography” to describe his unique artistic approach of examining the ordinary to prove it remarkable. >>more The Museum of Modern Art, New York ISBN 9781633451025 US $45.00 CAN $63.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 9.5 in. / 112 pgs / 111 color. Pub Date: 09/29/2020 In stock |
| Manuel Álvarez Bravo: In Color Edited by Aurelia Álvarez Bravo, James Oles, Ramón Reverté. Text by James Oles. One of Time Magazine's best photo book of 2019
Manuel Álvarez Bravo produced around 3,000 images in color over the course of his career, though he has tended to be better known for his black-and-white photography. >>more RM ISBN 9788417975180 US $55.00 CAN $77.00 TRADE Clth, 11 x 12 in. / 136 pgs / 66 color. Pub Date: 04/14/2020 Out of stock |
| Our Selves: Photographs by Women Artists Edited with text by Roxana Marcoci. Preface by Helen Kornblum, Kathy Halbreich. Text by Dana Ostrander, Caitlin Ryan, Phil Taylor. Spanning more than 100 years of photography, the works in Our Selves range from a turn-of-the-century photograph of racially segregated education in the United States, by Frances Benjamin Johnston, to a contemporary portrait celebrating Indigenous >>more The Museum of Modern Art, New York ISBN 9781633451339 US $45.00 CAN $61.00 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 10.5 in. / 152 pgs / 114 color. Pub Date: 05/10/2022 Out of stock |
| Robert Frank: The Americans Introduction by Jack Kerouac. First published in France in 1958, then in the United States in 1959, Robert Frank's The Americans changed the course of twentieth-century photography. In 83 photographs, Frank looked beneath the surface of American life to >>more Steidl ISBN 9783865215840 US $40.00 CAN $54.00 TRADE Clth, 8.25 x 7.25 in. / 180 pgs / 83 tritone. Pub Date: 05/15/2008 Out of stock |
| The Family Of Man Edited by Edward Steichen. Prologue by Carl Sandburg. Hailed as the most successful exhibition of photography ever assembled, The Family of Man opened at The Museum of Modern Art, New York in January 1955. This book, the permanent embodiment of Edward Steichen's monumental >>more The Museum of Modern Art, New York ISBN 9780870703416 US $35.00 CAN $52.00 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 11.5 in. / 192 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 07/02/2002 In stock |
| The New Woman Behind the Camera Edited with text by Andrea Nelson. Foreword by Kaywin Feldman. Preface by Andrea Nelson & Mia Fineman. Text by Elizabeth Cronin, Mila Ganeva, Kristen Gresh, Elizabeth Otto, Kim Sichel. During the 1920s the New Woman was easy to recognize but hard to define. Hair bobbed and fashionably dressed, this iconic figure of modernity was everywhere, splashed across magazine pages or projected on the silver >>more National Gallery of Art ISBN 9781942884743 US $60.00 CAN $84.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.75 x 11.75 in. / 288 pgs / 8 color / 269 b&w. Pub Date: 11/10/2020 In stock |
| The Photographer's Eye By John Szarkowski. The Photographer's Eye by John Szarkowski is a twentieth-century classic--an indispensable introduction to the visual language of photography. Based on a landmark exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art in 1964, and originally published in >>more The Museum of Modern Art, New York ISBN 9780870705274 US $35.00 CAN $52.00 TRADE Paperback, 8.5 x 9 in. / 156 pgs / 173 duotone. Pub Date: 03/01/2007 In stock |
| William Eggleston's Guide Essay by John Szarkowski. William Eggleston's Guide was the first one-man show of color photographs ever presented at The Museum of Modern Art, New York, and the Museum's first publication of color photography. The reception was divided and passionate. >>more The Museum of Modern Art, New York ISBN 9780870703782 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.5 x 9 in. / 112 pgs / 186 color. Pub Date: 10/02/2002 In stock |
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