MoMA One on One

Frank Lloyd Wright: Broadacre City
Frank Lloyd Wright: Broadacre City
Text by Juliet Kinchin.

When American architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959) proposed Broadacre City (1929–35), he advanced an astonishing claim: that the metropolis was obsolete. In its place, Broadacre was to be a “Usonian” synthesis, an unprecedented landscape unsullied >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633451537
US $14.95 CAN $21.95 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 07/30/2024 In stock

Clara Porset: Butaque
Clara Porset: Butaque
Edited by Ana Elena Mallet.

“There is design in everything we perceive,” proposed Clara Porset (1895–1981), one of the most innovative Latin American designers of the 20th century. Although born in Matanzas, Cuba, Porset spent most of her life in >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633451629
US $14.95 CAN $21.95 TRADE
Pbk, 7.5 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 04/16/2024 Out of stock

Georgia O’Keeffe: Abstraction Blue
Georgia O’Keeffe: Abstraction Blue
Text by Samantha Friedman.

During the 1920s, Georgia O’Keeffe (1887–1986) became widely known for her paintings of enlarged flowers. But she regularly returned to abstraction, and indeed found it “surprising how many people separate the objective from the abstract.” >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633451346
US $14.95 CAN $19.95 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 09/20/2022 In stock

Andy Warhol: Campbell’s Soup Cans
Andy Warhol: Campbell’s Soup Cans
Text by Starr Figura.

In 1962, when he painted Campbell’s Soup Cans, Andy Warhol was not yet a household name, and Pop art, the movement with which he is now identified, was still on the cusp of becoming a >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633451360
US $14.95 CAN $19.95 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 09/20/2022 In stock

Ming Smith: Invisible Man
Ming Smith: Invisible Man
Text by Oluremi C. Onabanjo.

“I am an invisible man. No, I am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allan Poe; nor am I one of your Hollywood movie ectoplasms. I am a man of substance, of flesh >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633451407
US $14.95 CAN $19.95 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 01/10/2023 In stock

Tarsila do Amaral: The Moon
Tarsila do Amaral: The Moon
Text by Beverly Adams.

Tarsila do Amaral’s (1886–1973) painting The Moon (1928), a highly stylized, desolate nocturne, grew from the artist’s desire to create a new national form of expression for Brazil. In The Moon and other paintings of >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633451353
US $14.95 CAN $19.95 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 01/10/2023 In stock

Cindy Sherman: Centerfold (Untitled #96)
Cindy Sherman: Centerfold (Untitled #96)
Text by Gwen Allen.

In 1981 Cindy Sherman (born 1954) was commissioned to contribute a special project to Artforum magazine. Given two facing pages, she chose to explore the pornographic centerfold, creating 12 large-scale horizontal images of herself appearing >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633451186
US $14.95 CAN $20.95 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 03/09/2021 In stock

Helen Levitt: New York
Helen Levitt: New York
Text by Shamoon Zamir.

Helen Levitt’s (1913-2009) photographs from the 1930s and 1940s of the communities of New York City’s Harlem are startling achievements of street photography. They catch the evanescent configurations of gesture, movement, pose and expression that >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633451209
US $14.95 CAN $20.95 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 03/09/2021 In stock

Robert Frank: Trolley—New Orleans
Robert Frank: Trolley—New Orleans
Text by Lucy Gallun.

In the midst of an extended road trip across the United States, Robert Frank turned from bustling Canal Street, New Orleans, where crowds of people swarmed the sidewalks, pointed his camera lens at a passing >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633451193
US $14.95 CAN $20.95 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 03/09/2021 In stock

Sophie Taeuber-Arp: Head
Sophie Taeuber-Arp: Head
Text by Anne Umland.

Upon first encountering Sophie Taeuber-Arp’s (1889–1943) diminutive Head (1920), one might wonder whether it is an abstract sculpture, a playful portrait or a functional object. Indicative of the artist’s pursuit to break down the conventional >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633450684
US $14.95 CAN $19.95 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 07/23/2019 In stock

Frida Kahlo: Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair
Frida Kahlo: Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair
Text by Jodi Roberts.

Neutral hues, an ill-fitting man’s suit and wiggling locks of cut hair supplant Frida Kahlo’s (1907–54) usual lively color palette, indigenous Mexican dress and long plaits in Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair (1940). Nevertheless, the painting >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633450752
US $14.95 CAN $19.95 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 07/23/2019 In stock

Betye Saar: Black Girl’s Window
Betye Saar: Black Girl’s Window
Text by Christophe Cherix, Esther Adler.

Made at a critical juncture in Betye Saar’s (born 1926) career, the enigmatic assemblage Black Girl’s Window (1969) was recognized by the artist as a crucial link between her past and future even at the >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633450769
US $14.95 CAN $19.95 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 07/23/2019 In stock

Dorothea Lange: Migrant Mother
Dorothea Lange: Migrant Mother
Text by Sarah Hermanson Meister.

The US was in the midst of the Depression when Dorothea Lange (1895–1965) began documenting its impact through depictions of unemployed men on the streets of San Francisco. Her success won the attention of Roosevelt's >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633450660
US $14.95 CAN $21.00 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 03/19/2019 In stock

Paula Modersohn-Becker: Self-Portrait with Two Flowers
Paula Modersohn-Becker: Self-Portrait with Two Flowers
Text by Diane Radycki.

Paula Modersohn-Becker (1876–1907) painted her last self-portrait in 1907, while she was in her third trimester. In the painting she gazes straight at the viewer, holding up two flowers—symbols representing the creativity and procreativity of >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633450745
US $14.95 CAN $21.00 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 03/19/2019 In stock

Faith Ringgold: Die
Faith Ringgold: Die
Text by Anne Monahan.

Ten adults—men and women, black and white—fight, flee or die over the twelve-foot span of American People Series #20: Die, as an interracial pair of children cowers unnoticed in their midst. While Faith Ringgold (born >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633450677
US $14.95 CAN $21.00 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 03/19/2019 In stock

Oppenheim: Object
Oppenheim: Object
Text by Carolyn Lanchner. In 1936, invited by André Breton to contribute to an exhibition of Surrealist objects, Meret Oppenheim (1913–85) decided to act upon a café conversation she had recently had with Pablo Picasso and his then companion >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633450196
US $14.95 CAN $21.00 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 10/24/2017 In stock

De Chirico: The Song of Love
De Chirico: The Song of Love
Text by Emily Braun. The unexpected encounter of a rubber glove, a green ball and the head from the classical statue of the Apollo Belvedere gives rise to one of the most compelling paintings in the history of modernist >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870708725
US $14.95 CAN $21.00 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 03/31/2014 In stock

Rauschenberg: Canyon
Rauschenberg: Canyon
Text by Leah Dickerman. In the mid-1950s, declaring “there is no reason not to consider the world as a gigantic painting,” Robert Rauschenberg began a series of radical experiments with what he called “Combines,” a term he coined to >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870708947
US $14.95 CAN $21.00 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 02/28/2014 In stock

Pollock: One: Number 31, 1950
Pollock: One: Number 31, 1950
Text by Charles Stuckey. In the late 1940s, Jackson Pollock (1912–1956), now recognized as one of the most important Abstract Expressionist artists, began experimenting with a new method of painting that involved dripping, flinging and pouring paint onto a >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870708480
US $14.95 CAN $21.00 TRADE
Pbk, 7.5 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 07/31/2013 In stock

Pablo Picasso: Girl before a Mirror
Pablo Picasso: Girl before a Mirror
Text by Anne Umland. “Girl before a Mirror” (1932), one of several standouts in MoMA’s vast collection of Pablo Picasso’s work, takes the traditional artistic theme of a woman before her mirror and reinvents it in radically modern terms. >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870708299
US $14.95 CAN $21.00 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 07/31/2012 Out of stock

Henri Rousseau: The Dream
Henri Rousseau: The Dream
Text by Ann Temkin. A singular figure in the avant garde of the early twentieth century, Henri Rousseau (1844-1910) was a self-taught painter who turned to art after retiring as a customs inspector at the age of 49. Although >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870708305
US $14.95 CAN $21.00 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 07/31/2012 In stock

Andrew Wyeth: Christina’s World
Andrew Wyeth: Christina’s World
Text by Laura Hoptman. In 1948 Andrew Wyeth produced what would become one of the most iconic paintings in American art: a desolate landscape featuring a woman lying in a field, that he called “Christina’s World.” The woman in >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870708312
US $14.95 CAN $21.00 TRADE
Pbk, 7.25 x 9 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 07/31/2012 Out of stock