Sustainability | Green Design



It's About Time
It's About Time
Edited by Derk Loorbach, Véronique Patteeuw, Saskia van Stein, Lea-Catherine Szacka, Peter Veenstra.

The history of climate change and the history of architecture are connected in many ways. Through a multilayered chronology, It’s About Time showcases historical and contemporary building projects such as solar houses, autonomous structures and >>more

nai010 Publishers
ISBN 9789462088795
US $50.00 CAN $75.00 TRADE
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 256 pgs / 200 color.
Pub Date: 02/11/2025 In stock

Taking the Country's Side
Taking the Country's Side
Edited by Sébastien Marot.

Making the case for situating agriculture as the twin of architecture, Taking the Country’s Side looks back on the 10,000-year history of these two disciplines in order to show a path forward for their mutual >>more

ISBN 9788434313897
US $30.00 CAN $40.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 5.5 x 8.5 in. / 212 pgs / 124 color / 73 b&w.
Pub Date: 06/24/2025 Awaiting stock

Transcalar Prospects in Climate Crisis
Transcalar Prospects in Climate Crisis
Edited by Jeffrey Huang, Dieter Dietz, Laura Trazic, Korinna Zinovia Weber. Text by Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Paola Viganò, Tommaso Pietropolli, Laila Seewang, Alfredo Thiermann, Xavier Nueno, Pier Vittorio Aureli, Jo Taillieu, Véronique Patteeuw, Martin Fröhlich, Lara Monti.

As humanity grapples with the climate crisis, architectural pedagogy finds itself at a critical juncture. Architecture schools not only must contribute to envisioning better futures but also equipping the next generation of architects with the >>more

Lars Müller Publishers
ISBN 9783037787656
US $50.00 CAN $75.00 TRADE
Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 384 pgs / 261 color / 61 b&w.
Pub Date: 02/04/2025 In stock



A Concrete for the “Other Half”?
A Concrete for the “Other Half”?
Text by Mya Berger, Leticia M. Brown, David Davalos, Ines Glowania, Denisa Kollarová, Maryia Rusak, Martha Schwindling, Léonie Thiroux.

The invention of the sulphur concrete block was the result of experiments performed by the Minimum Cost Housing Group at McGill University in Montreal in the 1970s. The international research group explored self-building using materials >>more

Spector Books
ISBN 9783959054898
US $15.00 CAN $20.62 FLAT40
Pbk, 4.25 x 5.75 in. / 144 pgs / 8 color / 35 b&w.
Pub Date: 04/26/2022 In stock

Acid Clouds
Acid Clouds
Edited with text by Niels Schrader, Jorinde Seijdel. Text by Ramon Amaro, Hanno Bakkeren, Mél Hogan, et al. Photography by Roel Backaert.

This volume scrutinizes the environmental consequences of digital storage through an analysis of more than 100 data centers across the Netherlands. A collection of essays explore the architectural, economic and political aspects of their operations, >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462087217
US $80.00 CAN $112.00 FLAT40
Hbk, 7.25 x 10 in. / 480 pgs.
Pub Date: 02/11/2025 In stock

An Atlas of Recycled Landscapes
An Atlas of Recycled Landscapes
By Michela De Poli, Guido Incerti.

Through a comprehensive examination of a number of international architectural projects, this book offers a compelling new perspective on modern living and contemporary architecture. As populations grow, where and how we live is a major >>more

ISBN 9788857210797
US $45.00 CAN $57.50 TRADE
Pbk, 8.75 x 8.5 in. / 270 pgs / 200 color.
Pub Date: 10/21/2014 In stock

Architecture of Consequence
Architecture of Consequence
Text by Ole Bouman, Anneke Abhelakh, Martine Zoeteman, Mieke Dings. Architecture of Consequence began life as the Dutch presentation at the São Paolo Architecture Biennale in 2009. “Shape our country!” was the call that the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi) made to its public over a >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056627263
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE
Pbk, 8 x 10 in. / 168 pgs / 128 color.
Pub Date: 03/31/2010 Out of stock

Benjamín Romano: Reforma Tower
Benjamín Romano: Reforma Tower
Text by Ali Malkawi, Felipe Leal, Francisco Serrano, Benjamín Romano.

LBR&Arquitectos, a firm founded in 1976 by Mexican architect Benjamín Romano, designs and builds architecture projects based on four defining principles: sustainability, structure, high technology and artistic integration. The firm is responsible for one of >>more

ISBN 9786079489434
US $50.00 CAN $69.95 TRADE
Hbk, 8 x 12 in. / 240 pgs / 70 color.
Pub Date: 12/17/2019 In stock

Bio Design: Nature + Science + Creativity
Bio Design: Nature + Science + Creativity
By William Myers. Foreword by Paola Antonelli.

Bio Design examines thrilling new ways in which biology is being applied outside the lab, showcasing some seventy projects that cover a range of fields—from architecture and industrial design to fashion and medicine. This revised >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633450714
US $35.00 CAN $52.00 TRADE
Pbk, 8.25 x 10 in. / 304 pgs / 500 color.
Pub Date: 07/24/2018 Out of stock

BiodiverCity: A Matter of Vital Soil!
BiodiverCity: A Matter of Vital Soil!
Edited with text by Joyce van der Berg, Hans van der Made, Ingrid Oosterheerd. Edited by Alessandra Riccetti. Text by Vincent Merckx, Sylvia Mota de Oliviera, Jorinde Nuytinck, Marco Roos, Menno Schilthuizen, Michael Stech, Renée Zijlmans, Johan van Zoest.

There is a world full of life beneath our feet. Hidden in the soil, up to 100 million species of micro-organisms work together with fungi and plant roots to form networks that ensure a healthy >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462086562
US $45.00 CAN $61.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 9.5 x 11.75 in. / 114 pgs / 300 color.
Pub Date: 03/01/2022 Out of stock

Building with Nature
Building with Nature
Text by Matthijs Bouw, Erik van Eekelen.

Here, experts from science, engineering, design and non-profits describe the key concepts of EcoShape, a Dutch initiative to promote eco-friendly building practices through hydraulic structures. Authors link building projects in Europe and Southeast Asia to >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462085824
US $55.00 CAN $77.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 256 pgs / 250 color.
Pub Date: 01/19/2021 In stock

Building with a Positive Footprint
Building with a Positive Footprint
By Vincent van der Meulen.

This volume proposes radical ideas for the future of sustainability in the construction and architectural industries. It asks how, rather than continuing to erect new buildings, we can instead harness the construction industry to make >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462087453
US $35.00 CAN $49.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 5.5 x 7.75 in. / 144 pgs / 200 b&w.
Pub Date: 02/28/2023 Out of stock

Charas: The Improbable Dome Builders
Charas: The Improbable Dome Builders
Introduction by Buckminster Fuller. Text by Syeus Mottel. Interview by Ben Estes.

In 1970 a meeting took place in an empty loft on the Lower East Side of Manhattan between R. Buckminster Fuller, the revolutionary architect and inventor of the geodesic dome, and six ex-gang members who >>more

Pioneer Works Press/The Song Cave
ISBN 9781945711053
US $27.00 CAN $37.00 TRADE
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 240 pgs / 150 b&w.
Pub Date: 02/27/2018 In stock

Comeback Cities
Comeback Cities
Text by Nienke van Boom, Hans Mommaas. For centuries, certain cities in Europe were dominated by the textile industry—until the industry relocated to lower-wage countries, leaving these formerly prosperous cities languishing, their abandoned factories sitting unpurposed and untenanted. Comeback Cities presents the >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056627072
US $55.00 CAN $72.50 FLAT40
Flexi, 6.75 x 9.75 in. / 256 pgs / 150 color.
Pub Date: 03/31/2010 In stock

Connectedness: An Incomplete Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene
Connectedness: An Incomplete Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene
Edited by Marianne Krogh. Text by Greta Thunberg, Superflex, Dehlia Hannah, Bill McKibben, Timothy Morton, Kirsten Halsnæs, Minik Rosing, Diana Coole, Connie Hedegaard, Darren Sharpe, Alice Waters, Dehlia Hannah, Gaia Vince, Elke Krasny, Bruno Latour, Saskia Sassen, Peter Weibel, et al.

This timely book, in the form of an encyclopedia, considers the totality of issues surrounding the Anthropocene, that geologic era characterized by humanity's vast impact on the Earth.

Connectedness acknowledges the incomplete nature of its project >>more

Strandberg Publishing
ISBN 9788793604865
US $39.95 CAN $55.95 TRADE
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.75 in. / 416 pgs / 140 color.
Pub Date: 09/15/2020 Out of stock

Cube: New Building with Carbon Concrete
Edited by Manfred Curbach. Text by Michael Frenzel, Gunter Henn, Sandra Kranich, Maren Kupke, Henrik Ritter, Silke Scheerer, Rudolf Spindler, Matthias Tietze. Interview by Rudolf Spindler. Photographs by Stefan Gröschel, Diana Hellwig, Maximilian Meisse.

In September 2022, the Cube, the world's first house built entirely from carbon concrete, was unveiled in Dresden. It was the result of nearly 30 years of research under the direction of Manfred Curbach at >>more

Wasmuth & Zohlen
ISBN 9783803023728
US $60.00 CAN $87.00 FLAT40
Hbk, 9 x 11 in. / 240 pgs / 168 color.
Pub Date: 06/04/2024 Out of stock

Designing for Sustainability through Upcycling
Designing for Sustainability through Upcycling
Text by Shyam Khandekar, Vinayak Bharne.

This publication tells the inside story of policymaking, design, development and implementation of an urban planning project in the Netherlands. A series of essays and short interviews with directors, designers, developers and city officials provides >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462086203
US $55.00 CAN $75.00 FLAT40
Hbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 160 pgs / 123 color.
Pub Date: 08/31/2021 In stock

Digesting Metabolism
Digesting Metabolism
Edited with text by Casey Mack.

How can housing better meet people’s diverse and changing needs? Moving away from the focus on capsule architecture that dominates so many studies of Japan’s Metabolist architects, Digesting Metabolism investigates the impact on Japanese housing >>more

Hatje Cantz
ISBN 9783775746427
US $62.00 CAN $85.00 TRADE
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 368 pgs / 257 color.
Pub Date: 11/01/2022 In stock

Down to Earth
Down to Earth
By George Brugmans. Text by Dirk Sijmons.

Published on the occasion of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR), Down to Earth takes the climate crisis as a given and that we are already in over our heads. But it eschews despondency, vigorously >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462088023
US $60.00 CAN $86.00 TRADE
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 440 pgs / 150 color.
Pub Date: 02/06/2024 In stock

Embodied Energy and Design: Making Architecture Between Metrics and Narratives
Embodied Energy and Design: Making Architecture Between Metrics and Narratives
Edited by Columbia University GSAPP and David Benjamin. Contributions by Michelle Addington, Amale Andraos, Daniel A. Barber, Eben Bayer, David Benjamin, Blaine Brownell, Stephanie Carlisle, Andrew Dent, Anna Dyson, Dirk E. Hebel, Naomi Keena, Sheila Kennedy, Jonathan Massey, Forrest Meggers, Kiel Moe, Jorge Otero-Pailos, James Surowiecki, Mason White and Lindsey Wikstrom. Design by Integral Lars Müller.

Architecture accounts for one third of global carbon emissions, energy consumption and waste. Buildings are increasingly understood to impact broader ecologies. Yet embodied energy – the various forms of energy required to extract raw matter, >>more

Lars Müller Publishers
ISBN 9783037785256
US $46.00 CAN $62.00 TRADE
Pbk, 8.25 x 11.75 in. / 232 pgs / 217 color.
Pub Date: 01/23/2018 In stock

Emerging Ecologies: Architecture and the Rise of Environmentalism
Emerging Ecologies: Architecture and the Rise of Environmentalism
Edited with text by Carson Chan. Text by Matthew Wagstaffe.

During the 1960s, as Western notions of endless progress and growth gave way to concerns over industrial pollution, resource depletion and ecological limits, attitudes toward the environment became social, political and ideological. Published to accompany >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633451544
US $65.00 CAN $94.00 TRADE
Hbk, 9.5 x 12 in. / 224 pgs / 250 color.
Pub Date: 09/05/2023 In stock

Ending the Anthropocene
Ending the Anthropocene
By Lieven De Cauter.

In this book, activist philosopher and philosophical activist Lieven De Cauter (born 1959) investigates the idea that if we want to avoid collapse, we have to end the Anthropocene era. It might even be, he >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462086111
US $35.00 CAN $49.00 TRADE
Pbk, 5.75 x 9 in. / 224 pgs.
Pub Date: 06/15/2021 In stock

Expanding Architecture: Design as Activism
Expanding Architecture: Design as Activism
Edited by Bryan Bell, Katie Wakeford. Foreword by Thomas Fisher. Text by Steve Badanes, Roberta M. Feldman, Sergio Palleroni, John Peterson, Katie Swenson, et al. Expanding Architecture presents a new generation of creative design carried out in the service of the greater public and the greater good. Questioning how design can improve daily lives, editors Bryan Bell and Katie Wakeford >>more

Metropolis Books
ISBN 9781933045788
US $34.95 CAN $45.95 TRADE
Pbk, 6.5 x 9 in. / 288 pgs / 120 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 10/01/2008 In stock

Farming the City
Farming the City
Edited by Francesca Miazzo, Mark Minkjan. The Farming the City project began in November 2010 as an initiative of the Amsterdam-based organization CITIES, bringing city dwellers and urban farmers together to explore inspirational ways of producing, storing, cooking, preserving, distributing and >>more

ISBN 9789078088639
US $32.50 CAN $42.50 TRADE
Pbk, 6.75 x 9 in. / 240 pgs / 200 color / 100 b&w.
Pub Date: 07/31/2013 Out of stock

Text by Frederic Rossano.

This important book tells the multifaceted story of humankind’s relationship with flooding, a story that is permeated with a history of both worship and fear. Modern water engineering has turned plains and valleys into fully >>more

nai010 Publishers
ISBN 9789462085251
US $59.95 CAN $83.95 TRADE
Hbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 384 pgs / 150 color.
Pub Date: 06/15/2021 In stock

Food for the City
Food for the City
Text by Peter de Rooden, Adam Grubb, Han Wiskerke, Lola Sheppard, Mason White, Gaynor Paradza, et al. By the year 2050 there will be nine billion people living on Earth. Seventy-five percent of them will be living in cities. If the world population continues to grow at this rate, it will take >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056628543
US $34.95 CAN $45.95 TRADE
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 256 pgs / 150 color.
Pub Date: 08/31/2012 Out of stock

Future Cities Laboratory
Future Cities Laboratory
Edited by Stephen Cairns, Devisari Tunas and ETH Zürich / Singapore-ETH Centre. Design by Studio Joost Grootens.

Future Cities Laboratory reports on the same named research program and its mission to shape sustainable future cities through science, by design, in place. It offers a global perspective on cities from the vantage point >>more

Lars Müller Publishers
ISBN 9783037785454
US $35.00 CAN $52.50 TRADE
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 240 pgs / 115 color.
Pub Date: 01/23/2018 In stock

Gilles Clément & Thierry Fontaine: Have You Ever Seen a Nomad in a Hurry?
Gilles Clément & Thierry Fontaine: Have You Ever Seen a Nomad in a Hurry?
Text by Gilles Clément. Photographs by Thierry Fontaine.

Photographer Thierry Fontaine (born 1969) and garden designer Gilles Clément (born 1943) are both fascinated by the unceasing evolution of living things, particularly as nature represents the intermingling of the global human community. Just as >>more

Dis Voir
ISBN 9782914563970
US $29.95 CAN $41.95 TRADE
Pbk, 6.25 x 8.75 in. / 112 pgs / 100 color.
Pub Date: 02/23/2021 In stock

Edited by Dirk van den Heuvel, Janno Martens, Victor Muñoz Sanz.

This book highlights some of the historical sources of ecological approaches that are currently reshaping the architectural field, especially in the work of architects such as Aldo van Eyck, Alison and Peter Smithson, James Stirling >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462085565
US $60.00 CAN $84.00 TRADE
Hbk, 8.25 x 12.5 in. / 176 pgs / 210 color.
Pub Date: 02/09/2021 In stock

Hong Kong Fantasies
Hong Kong Fantasies
Text by Winy Maas, et al. With this ambitious volume, The Why Factory throws down the gauntlet to the city of Hong Kong. A theoretical and visual expedition into Hong Kong's future, Hong Kong Fantasies plots out alternative paths, new visions >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056627645
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6 x 8.25 in. / 176 pgs / 202 color.
Pub Date: 03/31/2012 In stock

Hundertwasser for Future
Hundertwasser for Future
Text by Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Pierre Restany, Carolin Würfel.

The wildly colorful buildings and paintings of the legendary Austrian artist and environmentalist Hundertwasser (1928–2000) are beloved across the world, and the subject of innumerable monographs. These works express a larger ethical vision that was >>more

Hatje Cantz
ISBN 9783775746984
US $29.95 CAN $41.95 TRADE
Pbk, 4.5 x 6.75 in. / 136 pgs / 50 color.
Pub Date: 05/05/2020 Out of stock

Islands of Promise
Islands of Promise
Text by Philippe Vallette, Christine Causse. Photographs by Alexis Rosenfeld. Full of sumptuous color photographs, this fascinating volume takes a broad overview of islands as geological and cultural entities, approaching them from every angle: as isolate ecologies, as mini-states, as outposts, as land with a >>more

Actes Sud
ISBN 9782330010089
US $48.00 CAN $65.00 TRADE
Hbk, 7.75 x 10 in. / 251 pgs / 120 color.
Pub Date: 04/30/2013 In stock

Landscape and Energy
Landscape and Energy
By Dirk Sijmons. Edited by Jasper Hugtenburg, Anton van Hoorn, Fred Feddes. Landscape and Energy discusses and pictures the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy--easily one of the greatest challenges of the twenty-first century. While explaining the driving forces behind the exponential growth of our energy >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462081130
US $100.00 CAN $132.50 FLAT40
Hbk, 8 x 10 in. / 430 pgs / 400 color.
Pub Date: 08/31/2014 In stock

Life on Planet Orsimanirana
Life on Planet Orsimanirana
Edited by Tulga Beyerle, Lukas Feireiss, Jerszy Seymour. Text by Franco ‘Bifo” Berardi, Emanuele Braga, The Dirty Art Department, Massive Attack x Young Fathers, Lee Scratch Perry, Jeremy Shaw.

Here, collectives, activists, artists and designers attempt to lay a groundwork for a sustainable future.


Spector Books
ISBN 9783959055338
US $35.00 CAN $48.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 7.75 x 10.75 in. / 240 pgs / 300 color.
Pub Date: 04/26/2022 In stock

Make Your City: The City as a Shell
Make Your City: The City as a Shell
Text by Eva de Klerk.

This publication documents the history of the NDSM shipyard hangar in Amsterdam, a self-organized, self-financed space for small-scale manufacturing. Make Your City argues for the power of self-development and rethinks the modern city as a >>more

trancity X Valiz
ISBN 9789492095411
US $29.95 CAN $39.95 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 256 pgs / 50 color / 40 b&w.
Pub Date: 05/22/2018 In stock

Mexican Architectures
Mexican Architectures

Volume eight in this series presents a selection of buildings constructed in Mexico between 2017 and 2018. The projects are organized geographically, as well as by typology, style and material. Selected projects provide an overview >>more

ISBN 9786079489533
US $35.00 CAN $49.00 TRADE
Pbk, 8.5 x 11.5 in. / 232 pgs / 342 color.
Pub Date: 03/17/2020 In stock

On the Rock
On the Rock
By Allyson Vieira.

The marble workers laboring on the decades-long restoration of the Acropolis are the invisible force rebuilding one of the world’s most storied monuments. Inheritors of a millennia-old tradition, few carvers exist today; fewer pass the >>more

Soberscove Press
ISBN 9781940190228
US $30.00 CAN $45.00 TRADE
Pbk, 6.5 x 9 in. / 272 pgs / 16 color.
Pub Date: 02/19/2019 In stock

Power of Landscape
Power of Landscape
Text by Sven Stremke, Paolo Picchi, Dirk Oudes.

The energy transition is in full swing: across the globe, windmills and solar panels are taking over from fossil fuels. But the construction and intervention of these new structures in the landscape is often met >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462087163
US $60.00 CAN $84.00 TRADE
Hbk, 9.5 x 12.75 in. / 304 pgs / 350 color / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 01/28/2023 In stock

R. Buckminster Fuller: Pattern-Thinking
R. Buckminster Fuller: Pattern-Thinking
By Daniel López-Pérez.

A Los Angeles Times 2021 holiday gift guide pick

The work of R. Buckminster Fuller (1895–1983) is among the most extraordinary and inventive in 20th-century design and architecture, not least for its incorporation of a range >>more

Lars Müller Publishers
ISBN 9783037786093
US $46.00 CAN $62.00 TRADE
Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 400 pgs / 150 color / 150 b&w.
Pub Date: 12/10/2019 In stock

Real: The Story of Dr. Bucky Lab
Real: The Story of Dr. Bucky Lab
Text by Ulrich Knaack, Marcel Bilow, Tillmann Klein.

REAL is a new series from Nai010 that investigates technology and material development in the field of architecture. This first issue focuses on the work of Dr. Marcel Bilow, aka Dr. Bucky Lab, at TU >>more

Nai010 Publishers
ISBN 9789462084681
US $50.00 CAN $69.95 FLAT40
Pbk, 8.75 x 11 in. / 144 pgs / 80 color.
Pub Date: 05/26/2020 Out of stock

Staging the Moon
Staging the Moon
Edited with text by Francelle Cane, Marija Mari?. Photographs by Armin Linke, Ronni Campana.

Staging the Moon: Resource Extraction Beyond Earth is a publication of the Luxembourg Pavilion at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia 2023. It critically unpacks Luxembourg’s role in space-mining developments from >>more

Spector Books
ISBN 9783959057424
US $40.00 CAN $58.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 9.5 x 13.5 in. / 92 pgs / 61 color / 6 b&w.
Pub Date: 03/05/2024 In stock

Sustainable Design II
Sustainable Design II
Edited by Marie-Hélène Contal-Chavannes, Jana Revedin. In 2007, the architect and scholar Jana Revedin created the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture in collaboration with Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, to recognize architects leading the field in environmentally friendly design and >>more

Actes Sud
ISBN 9782330000851
US $55.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE
Hbk, 8.75 x 11 in. / 184 pgs / 120 color.
Pub Date: 06/30/2012 In stock

T. R. Hamzah & Yeang: Green Buildings, Tropical Gardens
Text by Farah Azizan, Lucy Bullivant, Iris Lenz et al. Green design is more than just architecture: it is a philosophy that must also involve consequential thought and education for the future. This publication presents two landscape architects and activists from Malaysia, Ken Yeang and >>more

ISBN 9783803007568
US $38.00 CAN $50.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 7.25 x 9.75 in. / 144 pgs / 145 color.
Pub Date: 10/31/2013 In stock

TALLER: Community Development Center Los Chocolates
TALLER: Community Development Center Los Chocolates
Text by Juan Carlos Cano, Julio Castro.

Community Development Center Los Chocolates was conceived as part of a program to reactivate a rundown area in Carolina, one of the most traditional neighborhoods of downtown Cuernavaca. The architects—Mauricio Rocha and Gabriela Carrillo of >>more

ISBN 9786079489403
US $30.00 CAN $45.00 TRADE
Hbk, 7 x 9 in. / 120 pgs / 44 color / 26 duotone.
Pub Date: 07/23/2019 In stock

Testify! The Consequences of Architecture
Testify! The Consequences of Architecture
Edited by Lukas Feireiss. Introduction by Ole Bouman. A skateboarding school in Kabul; a children’s community center in southwest Chicago; project row houses in Houston; an open-air library in Salbke-Magdeburg, Germany; colorful murals in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro: what difference do >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056628239
US $39.95 CAN $53.95 TRADE
Pbk, 8 x 9.75 in. / 240 pgs / 264 color.
Pub Date: 10/31/2011 In stock

Textile Tectonics
Textile Tectonics
By Lars Spuybroek. Until recently, thanks to the unforgiving geometric rigors of modernism, biomorphism in design and architecture was seen a purely decorative feature--as in Art Nouveau, for example. Textile Techtonics turns this idea on its head, offering >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056628024
US $37.50 CAN $50.00 TRADE
Hbk, 7 x 10.25 in. / 224 pgs / 25 color.
Pub Date: 08/31/2011 In stock

The Earth Is Architecture
The Earth Is Architecture
Edited by TVK. Text by Pierre Alain Trévelo, Antoine Viger-Kohler, David Malaud, Océane Ragoucy, Mathieu Mercuriali, David Enon, Alexandre Bullier.

Since the dawn of humankind, our planet has been profoundly affected by the exponential increase in the world’s population. Having gone from being a flat disc to a sphere in the conception of our species, >>more

Spector Books
ISBN 9783959053723
US $25.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE
Hbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 200 pgs / 10 color / 60 b&w.
Pub Date: 04/26/2022 Out of stock

The Great Repair
The Great Repair
Edited by Christian Hiller, Markus Krieger, Alex Nehmer, et al. Text by Kader Attia, Jason W. Moore, et al.

This collaborative project between ARCH+, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, ETH Zurich and the University of Luxembourg proposes a vision of societal repair based on practices of care, maintenance and mending.


ARCH+/Spector Books
ISBN 9783959057134
US $35.00 CAN $50.50 TRADE
Pbk, 9.25 x 10.75 in. / 192 pgs / 90 color / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/26/2023 In stock

The Green Dip
The Green Dip
Text by Winy Maas, Javier Arpa Fernández, Adrien Ravon.

In its newest book, the research group Why Factory produced a series of visualizations and data analyses of various “greened” cities, including Hong Kong, São Paulo, Dubai and more. The research provides an innovative method >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462087941
US $45.00 CAN $65.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 5.75 x 8.25 in. / 352 pgs / 200 color.
Pub Date: 09/10/2024 Out of stock

The Skin of the Rainforest
The Skin of the Rainforest
Foreword by Fernándo Ortega Bernés, Nuria Sanz, Carlos Vidal Angles. Text by Gerardo Ceballos, Heliot Zarza, Juan M. Labougle, et al. Ranked as one of the world’s most important ecosystems, the Campeche rainforest covers more than seven million acres of southeast Mexico and Belize, and contains more than 2,000 plants species and 350 species of bird. >>more

ISBN 9788415427933
US $60.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE
Hbk, 11.75 x 13 in. / 272 pgs / 100 color.
Pub Date: 03/31/2013 In stock

Transform! Designing the Future of Energy
Transform! Designing the Future of Energy
Edited by Mateo Kries, Jochen Eisenbrand. Text by Daniel Barber, Donatella Germanese, Carola Hein, Stephan Rammler, Catharine Rossi.

Energy is the central driving force of our society; energy is political; energy is invisible. But all buildings, infrastructure and products with which energy is generated, distributed and used are designed. Design must therefore also >>more

Vitra Design Museum
ISBN 9783945852606
US $85.00 CAN $124.00 TRADE
Flexi, 9.5 x 12.5 in. / 220 pgs / 300 color.
Pub Date: 06/04/2024 In stock

V8: Raining Stories
V8: Raining Stories
Text by Marie-Thérèse van Thoor, Jaap Huisman, et al.

The Netherlands pavilion for the World Expo in Dubai, designed by V8 Architects, contains a circular climate system that produces water from the desert air, generates its own energy and grows its own food. This >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462086692
US $45.00 CAN $61.00 FLAT40
Hbk, 9 x 12.5 in. / 128 pgs / 120 color.
Pub Date: 03/01/2022 Out of stock

Water Works in the Netherlands
Water Works in the Netherlands
Text by Inge Bobbink, Bernard Hulsman, Eric Luiten, Lodewijk van Nieuwenhuize, Theo van Oeffelt.

Fifty of the most important Dutch waterworks are documented through extensive photographic and textual material, as well as three essays that comprehensively discuss the technical, historical and cultural significance of the water system in the >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462083868
US $75.00 CAN $99.00 FLAT40
Hbk, 9 x 12 in. / 240 pgs / 180 color.
Pub Date: 02/27/2018 In stock



Aesthetics of Sustainable Architecture
Aesthetics of Sustainable Architecture
Edited by Sang Lee. Extending the debate on the aesthetic possibilities of sustainable architecture, this book offers contributions from architects and scholars working in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. With contributions by Nezar Al Sayyad, Gabriel >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789064507526
US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 320 pgs / 150 color.
Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available

Arium: Weather & Architecture
Arium: Weather & Architecture
Edited by Neeraj Bhatia, Jürgen Mayer H. Text by George Baird, Chad Dembski, Robert Levit, Henry Urbach, Mason White, Rodolphe el-Khoury. Contributions by Eric Bury. Today, economic and ecological forces have finally collided and forced humankind to reassess its relationship to each. For architecture, this means facing its nemesis: the weather, with its attendant forces of instability and unpredictability. The >>more

Hatje Cantz
ISBN 9783775725408
US $55.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE
Hbk, 6.25 x 9.25 in. / 320 pgs / 37 color / 170 b&w.
Pub Date: 03/31/2010 Not available

Beyond Shelter
Beyond Shelter
Edited by Marie J. Aquilino. Text by Sheikh Ahsan Ahmed, Zahid Amin, Marie J. Aquilino, Jennifer E. Duyne Barestein, Alfredo Brillembourg, Guillaume Chantry, Patrick Coulombel, Robin Cross, Teddy Cruz, James Dart, Rajedra and Rupal Desai, Sandra D'Urzo, Guy Fimmers, Andrea Fitrianto, Francesca Galeazzi, Deborah Gans, Mehran Gharaati, Victoria L. Harris, Rohit Jigyasu, Jenny Kivett, Hubert Klumpner, Arlene Lusterio, Andrea Nield, John Norton, Kimon Onuma, Sergio Palleroni, Raul Pantaleo, Dan Rockhill, Brittany Smith, Maggie Stephenson, Anita Van Breda, Thiruppugazh Venkatachalam, Naomi Handa Williams. Across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the United States, groundbreaking work is being done by small teams of outstanding professionals who are helping communities to recover from disaster and rebuild, bridging the gap that separates >>more

Metropolis Books
ISBN 9781935202479
US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE
Pbk, 8 x 8 in. / 304 pgs / 300 color.
Pub Date: 07/31/2011 Not available

Bio Design
Bio Design
Edited with text by William Myers. Foreword by Paola Antonelli. First published in 2012 to wide acclaim for its timely focus on the nascent movement of designing with living organisms, Bio Design is now available in paperback as an inspiring resource for designers, architects, engineers >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870709524
US $29.95 CAN $35.00 TRADE
Pbk, 8.25 x 10 in. / 288 pgs / 400 color.
Pub Date: 10/31/2014 Not available

Design Like You Give A Damn: Architectural Responses To Humanitarian Crises
Design Like You Give A Damn: Architectural Responses To Humanitarian Crises
Edited by Cameron Sinclair and Kate Stohr. The greatest humanitarian challenge we face today is that of providing shelter. Currently, one in seven people lives in a slum or refugee camp, and more than 3,000,000,000 people--nearly half the world's population--do not have >>more

Metropolis Books
ISBN 9781933045252
US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE
Paperback, 8 x 8 in. / 336 pgs / 350 color.
Pub Date: 01/15/2006 Not available

Design Revolution: 100 Products That Empower People
Design Revolution: 100 Products That Empower People
By Emily Pilloton. Foreword by Allan Chochinov. In January of 2008, with a thousand dollars, a laptop and an outsized conviction that design can change the world, rising San Francisco-based product designer and activist Emily Pilloton launched Project H Design, a radical >>more

Metropolis Books
ISBN 9781933045955
US $34.95 CAN $45.95 TRADE
Pbk, 8 x 8 in. / 304 pgs / 250 color.
Pub Date: 10/31/2009 Not available

Edited by Pedro Gadanho. Text by Amale Andraos, T.J. Demos, et al.

Eco-Visionaries surveys contemporary positions in art and architecture addressing environmental problems beyond mainstream notions of sustainability. This comprehensive volume is a companion to the collaborative 2018 exhibition staged by four participating European museums. Each show >>more

Hatje Cantz
ISBN 9783775744539
US $65.00 CAN $87.00 TRADE
Hbk, 8.25 x 10.75 in. / 224 pgs / 170 color.
Pub Date: 08/28/2018 Not available

Edible Estates: Attack on the Front Lawn, 2nd Revised Edition
Edible Estates: Attack on the Front Lawn, 2nd Revised Edition
Preface by Fritz Haeg. Text by Will Allen, Diana Balmori, Rosalind Creasy, Fritz Haeg, Michael Pollan, Eric W. Sanderson, Lesley Stern, et al. Since the first edition of Edible Estates: Attack on the Front Lawn was published in 2008, interest in edible gardening has exploded across the United States and abroad. Even First Lady Michelle Obama is doing >>more

Metropolis Books
ISBN 9781935202127
US $24.95 CAN $27.50 TRADE
Pbk, 8.5 x 8.5 in. / 176 pgs / 86 color / 85 b&w.
Pub Date: 03/31/2010 Not available

By Gilles Clement, Philippe Rahm, Giovanna Borasi.

Landscape designer Gilles Clement and architect Philippe Rahm present their contrasting visions through installations created specifically for the Canadian Centre for Architecture. Gilles Clement advances his theory of abandoned and overlooked spaces in cities and >>more

ISBN 9788876249594
US $22.95 CAN $29.95 TRADE
Pbk, 6 x 8.5 in. / 160 pgs / 90 color / 9 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/25/2007 Not available

Green Dream
Green Dream
Text by Winy Maas, John Thackara. Green Dream investigates what "green" means in practical terms for design, architecture and urbanism. Led by The Why Factory, the global urbanist thinktank headed by Winy Maas, experts in the field debate what is currently >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056627416
US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE
Pbk, 6 x 8.25 in. / 408 pgs / 300 color.
Pub Date: 09/30/2010 Not available

Mr. Bawa I Presume
Mr. Bawa I Presume
Edited by Chiara Carpenter & Giovanna Silva. Text by Luca Galofaro, Giovanna Silva. Photographs by Giovanna Silva.

Sri Lankan architect Geoffrey Bawa (1919-2003) has long been one of Asian architecture’s most celebrated figures. In Mr Bawa I Presume, photographer Giovanna Silva documents Bawa's private houses, schools and hotels.


Hatje Cantz
ISBN 9783775747141
US $46.00 CAN $64.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 8.75 x 12.5 in. / 160 pgs / 125 color.
Pub Date: 08/11/2020 Not available

On the Water: Palisade Bay
On the Water: Palisade Bay
By Guy Nordenson, Catherine Seavitt, Adam Yarinsky. On the Water: Palisade Bay is the collaborative initiative of a group of engineers, architects, landscape architects, planners and students to imagine a "soft infrastructure" for the New York/New Jersey Upper Bay by developing interconnected >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870707858
US $50.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE
Hbk, 8.75 x 8.75 in. / 320 pgs / 434 color.
Pub Date: 04/30/2010 Not available

Reuse, Redevelop and Design
Reuse, Redevelop and Design
Text by Paul Meurs, Marinke Steenhuis. Contributions by Jean-Paul Corten, Frank Strolenberg, Sander Gelinck, Lara Voerman.

This often results in surprising combinations, such as a school or a community center in a factory complex, a shop in a church or a recreation area in a military zone. Reuse, Redevelop and Design >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462083585
US $40.00 CAN $54.00 TRADE
Pbk, 8 x 10 in. / 128 pgs / 140 color.
Pub Date: 08/22/2017 Not available

Safe Agua
Safe Agua
Edited by Mariana Amatullo, Liliana Becerra, Dan Gottlieb, Penny Herscovitch, Elisa Ruffino. Preface by Lorne M. Buchman. Introductions by Mariana Amatullo, David Mocarski. Text by Peter H. Gleick, Patrice Martin, Adlai Wertman. Safe Agua addresses a basic necessity easily taken for granted by those of us who have it at our fingertips, at the turn of a tap. In developing countries and impoverished communities around the world, >>more

Designmatters at ArtCenter College of Design
ISBN 9780961870546
US $30.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE
Pbk, 8 x 10 in. / 164 pgs / 200 color.
Pub Date: 01/31/2011 Not available

Sorry, Out of Gas
Sorry, Out of Gas
Edited by Giovanna Borasi, Mirko Zardini. Texts by Adam Bobbette, Daria Der Kaloustian, Pierre-Édouard Latouche, Caroline Maniaque. The year 1973 marks one of the most important turning points in the history of the twentieth century. Prior to that year, the world had become accustomed to a plentiful supply of inexpensive fossil fuels--especially >>more

Edizioni Corraini/Canadian Centre for Architecture
ISBN 9788875701437
US $49.95 CAN $60.00 TRADE
Paperback, 6.75 x 9.75 in. / 236 pages / 150 color / 78 b&w.
Pub Date: 01/01/2008 Not available

Sustainism Is the New Modernism
Sustainism Is the New Modernism
By Michiel Schwarz, Joost Elffers. Michiel Schwarz and Joost Elffers' Sustainism Is the New Modernism declares the dawn of a new cultural era, as we transition from modernity to sustainity--towards a world that is more connected, more localist, more digital >>more

D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers
ISBN 9781935202226
US $24.95 CAN $33.95 TRADE
Pbk, 7 x 9 in. / 240 pgs / color.
Pub Date: 12/31/2010 Not available

The Politics of the Impure
The Politics of the Impure
Edited by Joke Brouwer, Arjun Appadurai, Bruce Sterling, Gunnar Heinsohn, Lynn Margulis, Raj Patel. Piet Mondrian once wrote that "Life is basically simple. It may grow more and more complex, but it need not lose this simplicity. Complexity needs to be perfected, simplicity is man's perfect state." This statement >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056627485
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE
Pbk, 6.25 x 9 in. / 356 pgs / 90 color.
Pub Date: 03/31/2011 Not available

Visionary Cities
Visionary Cities
Edited and with text by Winy Maas and The Why Factory. Recognizing that our civic responsibilities towards our environments have drastically increased, Visionary Cities ambitiously sets the agenda for the city of the future. Amid crippling bureaucracies and economic crises, present-day thinking on city design remains >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056627256
US $25.00 CAN $34.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 5.75 x 8.25 in. / 240 pgs / 100 color.
Pub Date: 03/31/2010 Not available

Waterfront Visions
Waterfront Visions
Edited by Huib Haye van der Werf, Kate Orff, Merijn Oudenampsen, Klaske Havik. In 2009, the NAi-Ymere biennial celebrated the explorer Henry Hudson, whose pioneering travels laid the foundation for the development of New York City. In the vein of the Fort Amsterdam military post he built on >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056627300
US $40.00 CAN $54.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 6 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 60 color.
Pub Date: 08/30/2010 Not available