ARTBOOK BLOGEventsStore NewsMuseum Stores of the MonthNew Title ReleasesStaff PicksImage GalleryBooks in the MediaExcerpts & EssaysArtbook InterviewsEx LibrisAt First SightThe Artbook 2024 Gift GuidesArtbook Featured Image ArchiveArtbook D.A.P. Events ArchiveDATE 2/1/2025 Celebrate Black History Month, 2025DATE 1/31/2025 JRP|Editions and Tenderbooks present the UK launch of 'Derek Jarman'DATE 1/20/2025 Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.DATE 1/18/2025 Artbook at MoMA PS1 Bookstore presents Sohrab Hura launching 'Things Felt But Not Quite Expressed'DATE 1/18/2025 Artbook at Hauser & Wirth Los Angeles Bookstore presents Spencer Gerhardt launching 'Ticking Stripe'DATE 1/16/2025 Books & Books Coral Gables presents an Evening with Jeff and Patsy TarrDATE 1/15/2025 Simplicity and complexity in 'Adolph Gottlieb: A Powerful Will to Art'DATE 1/14/2025 Join us at the Atlanta Gift & Home Winter Market 2025DATE 1/14/2025 A new book on Hans J. Wegner's remarkable watercolorsDATE 1/9/2025 When innovation is fundamental and archives run deepDATE 1/6/2025 Art, food and the senses in 'More Than the Eyes'DATE 1/3/2025 Art, Food and the SensesDATE 1/2/2025 Wishing You the Beauty of the Mysterious | EVENTSCORY REYNOLDS | DATE 10/27/2016Anatomical Venus Launch & Morbid Anatomy Symposia at La Luz de Jesus!Saturday and Sunday, October 29 – 30, in celebration of the Morbid Anatomy Museum's first California pop-up, La Luz de Jesus gallery presents an all day symposium on a series of macabre subjects, special tours and a book launch for The Anatomical Venus by Morbid Anatomy co-founder Joanna Ebenstein! Symposium speakers include Megan Rosenbloom of the Norris Medical Library of USC; Joanna Ebenstein, Tracy Hurley Martin and Tonya Hurley of the Morbid Anatomy Museum; Morbid Anatomy scholar in residence Elizabeth Harper; 'Gross America' author Richard Faulk, and many more!