ARTBOOK BLOGEventsStore NewsMuseum Stores of the MonthNew Title ReleasesStaff PicksImage GalleryBooks in the MediaExcerpts & EssaysArtbook InterviewsEx LibrisAt First SightThe Artbook 2024 Gift GuidesArtbook Featured Image ArchiveArtbook D.A.P. Events ArchiveDATE 1/18/2025 Artbook at Hauser & Wirth Los Angeles Bookstore presents Spencer Gerhardt launching 'Ticking Stripe'DATE 1/18/2025 Artbook at MoMA PS1 Bookstore presents Sohrab Hura launching 'Things Felt But Not Quite Expressed'DATE 1/14/2025 Join us at the Atlanta Gift & Home Winter Market 2025DATE 1/9/2025 When innovation is fundamental and archives run deepDATE 1/6/2025 Art, food and the senses in 'More Than the Eyes'DATE 1/3/2025 Art, Food and the SensesDATE 1/2/2025 Wishing You the Beauty of the MysteriousDATE 12/31/2024 Happy New Year from Artbook | D.A.P.DATE 12/26/2024 An ode to holiday pleasuresDATE 12/24/2024 Happy Holidays from Artbook | D.A.P.DATE 12/18/2024 BMCM+AC presents David Silver on 'The Farm at Black Mountain College'DATE 12/17/2024 Good news for open mindsDATE 12/14/2024 A fascinating new study of Helen Frankenthaler & Co. | EVENTSCORY REYNOLDS | DATE 2/16/2023Join Artbook | D.A.P. at the 2023 CAA National ConferenceJoin us February 16–18, 2023, for the College Art Association Annual Conference in New York! Please visit us at Booth 119 to browse forthcoming, new and classic Academic Titles. And in Booth 121 enjoy a special selection of titles from DelMonico Books, including Alfred J Barr Award winner, The Portable Universe / El universo en tus manos: Thought and Splendor of Indigenous Colombia. PLUS: Save the Date for Dancing Foxes' Friday, February 17, panel on the 416-page new release, Hidden in Plain Sight: Selected Writings of Karin Higa, collecting Higa’s critical work on Asian American art history and the art of Japanese Americans imprisoned in World War II US internment camps. Panelists will include Marci Kwon, Pamela Lee, Tomie Arai, Ekalan Hou and the book's editor, Julie Ault.IMAGE CREDIT: Toyo Miyatake, from Manzanar collection, 1943 In conjunction with the publication of Hidden in Plain Sight: Selected Writings of Karin Higa, edited by Julie Ault, this roundtable takes Higa’s capacious, adventurous scholarship as a starting point to reimagine the history of Asian American art and the practice of art history. Rigorously historical and deeply observed, Higa’s work refused conventional binaries of form/content, racialized/white, and reflected what Ault describes as the “unfolding of the paradoxical category of Asian American art in the 1990s and 2000s.” In light of the renewed attention to Asian American artists in the contemporary moment, how might Higa’s practice offer a model for reimagining temporalities, geographies and received art historical narratives in academic scholarship and curatorial practice? How might her work help us move beyond questions of categorization when considering the work of Asian American artists and other racialized artists?Panelists: Marci Kwon, Stanford University; Pamela Lee, Yale University School of Art; Tomie Arai, Asian/Pacific/American Institute at New York University; Ekalan Hou, History of Art PhD at Yale; and Julie Ault, American artist, curator, editor and cofounder of Group Material. HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT Roundtable Friday, February 17 2:30 PM–4:00 PM New York Hilton Midtown Concourse E EXAMINATION COPIES This year, we are pleased to offer free examination copies of the following books: Design as an Attitude: New Edition by Alice Rawsthorn (JRP|Editions) The Image of Whiteness: Contemporary Photography and Racialization (SPBH Editions) To Photograph Is to Learn How to Die: An Essay with Digressions by Tim Carpenter (The Ice Plant) Please send your request by email to: Include: Name, Work Email, University/College, Department Name, US Shipping Address (Street Address only, no PO Boxes). We are able to provide one (1) copy of each per professor. This offer ends 6/30/23. FEATURED TITLES Our CAA Book List is available to educators at a 40% discount (plus free shipping within the continental United States) on Simply apply coupon code "exam40" at checkout. LOCATION CAA National Conference 2023 Artbook | D.A.P. Booth 119–120 New York Hilton Midtown 1335 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10010 HOURS Thursday, 2/16: 9 AM–6 PM Friday, 2/17: 9 AM–6 PM Saturday, 2/18: 9 AM–2:30 PM Hidden in Plain Sight: Selected Writings of Karin HigaDancing Foxes Press $39.95 free shipping |