| | BOOK FORMAT Clth, 10 x 11 in. / 120 pgs / illustrated throughout. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 3/27/2018 Active DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: SPRING 2018 p. 30 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9788862085823 TRADE List Price: $50.00 CAD $67.50 AVAILABILITY Out of stock | TERRITORY NA LA | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
|   |   | Hiroshi Sugimoto: PortraitsText by Maria Morris Hambourg.
 The eeriness of the copy: Sugimoto's portraits of wax figuresAt first glance, Hiroshi Sugimoto’s photographic portrait of King Henry VIII of England is arresting: Sugimoto’s camera has captured the tactility of Henry’s furs and silks, the elaborate embroidery of his doublet, the light reflecting off of each shimmering jewel. The contours of the king’s face are so lifelike that he appears to be almost three-dimensional. It seems as though the 21st-century artist has traveled back in time nearly 500 years to photograph his royal subject. But Sugimoto’s portraits of historical figures are fictions, at least twice removed from their subjects, made by photographing a wax figure that has been created by a sculptor from either a photographic portrait or a painted one. Sugimoto shoots his subjects in black and white, posing the “sitter” against a black background, amplifying the illusion that we are viewing a contemporary portrait in which the subject has stepped out of history. This volume presents the photographer’s images of the wax figures alongside a selection of portraits of living subjects and photographs of memento mori. As with his other major bodies of work—Dioramas, Seascapes and Theaters—Sugimoto’s Portraits address the passage of time and history, and question the nature of the “reality” captured by the camera. Hiroshi Sugimoto: Portraits is the fourth in a series of books on Sugimoto’s major bodies of work and presents 70 photographs, 7 of which have never before been published. Hiroshi Sugimoto (born 1948) has helped define what it means to be a multidisciplinary contemporary artist, his photographs blurring the lines between photography, painting, installation and architecture. Sugimoto divides his time between Tokyo and New York City.
Featured image is reproduced from 'Hiroshi Sugimoto: Portraits.'PRAISE AND REVIEWSThe Paris Review Spencer Bokat-Lindell Hiroshi Sugimoto’s Portraits Bring the Dead Back to Life. PDN's Notable Photo Books of 2018 Sugimoto manages to transform these kitschy objects into conceptual art that inspires us to consider the nature of representation. |
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| | FROM THE ARTBOOK BLOG CORY REYNOLDS | DATE 5/7/2018 "Fidel Castro" (1999), Hiroshi Sugimoto's "portrait" of the Cuban revolutionary as sculpted in wax, is reproduced from Hiroshi Sugimoto: Portraits, new from Damiani and MW Editions. "For Sugimoto, photography is not just an artistic vehicle," Maria Morris Hambourg writes, "it is a philosophical instrument. From his first photographs of dioramas, the artist understood that 'photography does not exist separate from the world… but already exists as an innate perceptual tool within our mind.' Thus the end of photography for Sugimoto, if it ever actually occurs, will hardly be a full stop. His mind is so thoroughly engaged by the conceptual aspects of the medium that he will continue his investigations into the nature of history, memory, time, art, and perception. These fires of his creativity have not extinguished; rather, on the sill of his eighth decade, they are burning ever brighter, and like torches held aloft, are lighting the artist's way into surprising new domains." continue to blogFROM THE ARTBOOK BLOG CORY REYNOLDS | DATE 5/11/2018 Monday May 7, photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto spoke with Darius Himes, International Head of Photographs at Christie's and co-author of Publish Your Photography Book, at the Strand Bookstore in celebration of Portraits, Sugimoto's latest collection of photographs published by Damiani and MW Editions. See video of the discussion here!
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