Portraits in Series A Century of Photographs Published by Kerber. Edited by Gabriele Betancourt Nunez. Portraits in Series: A Century of Photographs takes the long view on the photographic portrait. Reaching back to photography's beginnings in the daguerreotype and the talbotype, it looks at the conventions and requirements of Victorian portrait photography, and tracks the genre's evolution right up to the digital present. A selection of works from 40 international contemporary portrait photographers is presented here, among them Diane Arbus, Rineke Dijkstra, Patrick Faigenbaum, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Lee Friedlander, Nan Goldin, David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson, Roni Horn, Theodor and Oscar Hofmeister, Peter Keetman, Helmar Lerski, Annie Leibovitz, Michael Najjar, Nicholas Nixon, Heinrich Riebesehl, Judith Joy Ross, Thomas Ruff, August Sander, Cindy Sherman and Andy Warhol. Each of these photographers and artists has almost reinvented the portrait for the needs of a particular historical moment, eliciting vast historical and cultural implications from that seemingly most obvious of subjects, the human body.