Edited with text by Ziba Ardalan. Text by Julien Bismuth, Tom Morton.
Eleven artists reflect on the alarming entropy of the 21st century
This book presents works from 11 international artists responding to the current state of the world through themes of environmentalism, racism, political activism, globalization and digitalization. Artists include: Darren Almond, Oliver Beer, Julian Charričre, David Claerbout, Bharti Kher, Teresa Margolles, Martin Puryear, Rayyane Tabet, and more.
STATUS: Out of stock
Temporarily out of stock pending additional inventory.
FORMAT: Hbk, 8.25 x 10.75 in. / 144 pgs / 56 color. LIST PRICE: U.S. $40.00 LIST PRICE: CANADA $55 ISBN: 9788867495450 PUBLISHER: Mousse Publishing AVAILABLE: 2/28/2023 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: Active AVAILABILITY: Out of stock TERRITORY: NA LA AFR ME
Published by Mousse Publishing. Edited with text by Ziba Ardalan. Text by Julien Bismuth, Tom Morton.
Eleven artists reflect on the alarming entropy of the 21st century
This book presents works from 11 international artists responding to the current state of the world through themes of environmentalism, racism, political activism, globalization and digitalization. Artists include: Darren Almond, Oliver Beer, Julian Charričre, David Claerbout, Bharti Kher, Teresa Margolles, Martin Puryear, Rayyane Tabet, and more.