| | BOOK FORMAT Clth, 7 x 9.5 in. / 88 pgs / illustrated throughout. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 2/29/2012 Out of print DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: SPRING 2012 p. 68 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9788862082181 TRADE List Price: $35.00 CAD $47.50 AVAILABILITY Not available | TERRITORY NA LA | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
|   |   | Cass Bird: RewildingText by Sally Singer, Jack Halberstam.
 A joyous portrait of modern femininity and a frolicking celebration of women’s camaraderieOver the past ten years, Cass Bird (born 1974) has established herself as one of the foremost portraitists of contemporary America. Her photographs of young women and men casually draw attention to the fluid expression of gender roles and androgyny in today’s youth culture, and to what she has described as “the convergence of alternative lifestyles with accepted conceptions of motherhood, nurturing and family.” In the summers of 2009 and 2010, Bird traveled to Sassafrass, Tennessee, with a group of young women, a wardrobe of diaphanous dresses and a camera. These women--studio assistants, friends, or women cast from the streets of New York--had been selected by Bird for their ease with their sexual identities, but also for their relative awkwardness in front of the lens. The result was Rewilding, a joyous portrait of modern femininity and a frolicking celebration of women’s camaraderie.
Featured image, "Push up" (2010) is reproduced from Rewilding.PRAISE AND REVIEWSWWD Alessandra Codinha "Rewilding," which Bird shot over two weeks in 2009 and 2010 in a lush artists' community in Tennessee called Sassafras, consists of works of a different stripe. The book's focus is modern feminity in an idyllic, naturalistic setting, and there is a brute physicality at play within the grace of her images. In the book's foreward, Sally Singer, who has favoured Bird's work in her tenure at T magazine, writes, "I don't think there is anyone working right now in photography who has the same ease with her subjects, the same youthfull seductive energy, the same mix of spontaneity and aesthetic rigor." T: The New York Times Style Magazine Sarah Scire In “Rewilding,” Bird recasts the artist haven of Sassafrass, Tenn., as a naturalistic oasis where women are unafraid not only to roughhouse, climb trees and dress in breast-baring overalls but also feel free to reclaim tokens of femininity (tutu-like skirts, pigtails and rollers among them) for their own purposes. |
| | | FROM THE ARTBOOK BLOG CORY REYNOLDS | DATE 6/24/2019 "In the summers of 2009 and 2010 Cass Bird went to Sassafrass, Tennessee, with a group of young women, a clutch of wafty dresses, and a camera. The women had been 'curated' by the photographer for their beauty, their humor, and their fluid and button-pushing notions of sexual identity—of one, Bird told me, 'she's so queer it's like beyond queer,' which meant that the subject was prone to sleeping with gay men; of another, Bird said, 'she's a clone fucker,' which meant that this subject only slept with boys and girls who looked just like her. These were women—studio assistants and pals and girls cast from the New York streets—who were confident in their erotic lives, but more than a little uncomfortable in front of the lens. This grey area, between swagger and self-consciousness, is what drew Bird in." — Sally Singer, excerpted from the Foreword to Rewilding continue to blogFROM THE ARTBOOK BLOG PAUL BERNSTEIN | DATE 3/23/2012 Dashwood Books in NYC hosted the launch of Cass Bird's new book Rewilding (Damiani) on Thursday evening. The small store swelled with fans and well-wisher who spilled into the street. Among those in attendance were Sally Singer, Editor of The New York Times Style Magazine and the author of the introduction to the book, along with David Sebbah the Creative Director of T, Jenna Lyons of J. Crew, Bob Recine, Collier Schorr and Jen Brill. continue to blog
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