Invideo 2001: Elsewhere Published by Charta. Artwork by Marco Agostinelli, Breda Beban, Paul Bush, Gerard Cairaschi, Mario Canali, Susanna Carlisle, Claudio Cavallari, Kurt D'Haeseleer, Alain Escalle, Julie-Christine Fortier, Dryden Goodwyn, Oliver Harrison, Tony Hill, Matt Hulse, Michael Klier, GuText by Alessandro Amaducci, Simonetta Cargioli, Carlo Isola, Anna Lagorio, Michael Maziere. For the last 11 years, Invideo has gathered and rendered ripe for consultation a unique legacy of video art and experimental cinema that is extraordinarily complete and admirably varied. This edition is characterized by the participation of such unexpected countries as China, Peru and Australia alongside the usual suspects, including the United States, France, Italy and Great Britain, which have a strong historical presence in this field. Also in this year's publication are a collection of videos on the Genoa Social Forum, an English video retrospective, a debate on cinema voyeurism, a peek into the world of music videos, and many previously unseen contributions from the world of advertising and art.