| | BOOK FORMAT Hardcover, 9.5 x 12 in. / 122 pgs / 58 color. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 7/2/2003 Out of print DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: FALL 2003 p. 60 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9783933040992 TRADE List Price: $55.00 CAD $72.50 AVAILABILITY Not available | TERRITORY NA LA ME | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
|   |   | Robert Longo: The Freud DrawingsEdited by Klaus Albrecht Schroder and Martin Hentschel. Essays by Werner Spiess and Rainer Metzger.
On June 4, 1938, having paid the “German Reich Escape Tax” and the “Jew Property Tax,” Sigmund Freud left his apartment at 19 Berggasse forever. A few days before his emigration from Vienna to London, photographer Edmund Engelmann courageously and secretively recorded Freud's legendary residence, documenting it in photographs that were eventually published. An old volume of these photographs was presented to artist Robert Longo in 1993, acting as the catalyst and primary source material for the 30 large-size charcoal works that constitute The Freud Drawings. Via Longo's charcoal, Freud's deserted rooms become an admonition of a destroyed world, tension-filled reminiscences of a place both momentous and monstrous, eclipsed and strange.
| | | FROM THE ARTBOOK BLOG THOMAS EVANS | DATE 2/16/2011 In June 1938, just a few days before Sigmund Freud and his family fled Vienna in the wake of Nazi Germany’s annexing of Austria, a young photographer named Edmund Engelman made a room-by-room photographic record of the home and offices in which Freud had lived and worked for 40 years—the offices and household in which the early dramas and birth pangs of psychoanalysis had been played out and theorised. continue to blog | |  | Hatje CantzISBN: 9783775758031 USD $55.00 | CAD $79Pub Date: 4/29/2025 Forthcoming
|  | Hatje CantzISBN: 9783775756617 USD $125.00 | CAD $180Pub Date: 9/17/2024 Active | In stock
|  | Thaddaeus RopacISBN: 9782910055912 USD $45.00 | CAD $65Pub Date: 9/5/2023 Active | In stock
|  | Hatje CantzISBN: 9783775743235 USD $65.00 | CAD $90Pub Date: 6/27/2017 Active | Out of stock
|  | Galerie Thaddaeus RopacISBN: 9782910055714 USD $35.00 | CAD $47.5Pub Date: 8/23/2016 Active | Out of stock
|  | Hatje CantzISBN: 9783775741071 USD $55.00 | CAD $72.5Pub Date: 7/25/2017 Active | Out of stock
|  | Hatje CantzISBN: 9783775738149 USD $55.00 | CAD $72.5Pub Date: 9/30/2014 Active | Out of stock
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FORMAT: Hardcover, 9.5 x 12 in. / 122 pgs / 58 color. LIST PRICE: U.S. $55.00 LIST PRICE: CANADA $72.5 ISBN: 9783933040992 PUBLISHER: Kerber AVAILABLE: 7/2/2003 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: Out of print AVAILABILITY: Not available TERRITORY: NA LA ME | D.A.P. CATALOG: FALL 2003 Page 60 | PRESS INQUIRIES
Tel: (212) 627-1999 ext 217 Fax: (212) 627-9484 Email Press Inquiries: publicity@dapinc.com | TRADE RESALE ORDERS
D.A.P. | DISTRIBUTED ART PUBLISHERS Tel: (212) 627-1999 Fax: (212) 627-9484 Customer Service: (800) 338-2665 Email Trade Sales: orders@dapinc.com |
| Robert Longo: The Freud Drawings Published by Kerber. Edited by Klaus Albrecht Schroder and Martin Hentschel. Essays by Werner Spiess and Rainer Metzger. On June 4, 1938, having paid the “German Reich Escape Tax” and the “Jew Property Tax,” Sigmund Freud left his apartment at 19 Berggasse forever. A few days before his emigration from Vienna to London, photographer Edmund Engelmann courageously and secretively recorded Freud's legendary residence, documenting it in photographs that were eventually published. An old volume of these photographs was presented to artist Robert Longo in 1993, acting as the catalyst and primary source material for the 30 large-size charcoal works that constitute The Freud Drawings. Via Longo's charcoal, Freud's deserted rooms become an admonition of a destroyed world, tension-filled reminiscences of a place both momentous and monstrous, eclipsed and strange.
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