| | PUBLISHER ApertureBOOK FORMAT Hardcover, 9.75 x 11 in. / 164 pgs / 70 color. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 9/1/2007 No longer our product DISTRIBUTION Contact Publisher Catalog: PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9781597110433 TRADE List Price: $45.00 CAD $55.00 AVAILABILITY Not Available | EXHIBITION SCHEDULEAndover, MA. Addison Gallery of American Art 09/04/07-12/30/07
New York Aperture Gallery, 01/10/08-02/28/08
Greensboro, N.C Weatherspoon Art Museum, 06/29/08-09/07/08 | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
|   |   | APERTUREDawoud Bey: Class PicturesText by Jock Reynolds, Taro Nettleton. Interview by Carrie Mae Weems.
For the past 15 years, Dawoud Bey has been making striking, large-scale color portraits of students at high schools across the United States. Depicting teenagers from a wide economic, social and ethnic spectrum--and intensely attentive to their poses and gestures--he has created a highly diverse group portrait of a generation that intentionally challenges teenage stereotypes. Bey spends two to three weeks in each school, taking formal portraits of individual students, each made in a classroom during one 45-minute period. At the start of the sitting, each subject writes a brief autobiographical statement. By turns poignant, funny or harrowing, these revealing words are an integral part of the project, and the subject's statement accompanies each photograph in the book. Together, the words and images in Class Pictures offer unusually respectful and perceptive portraits that establish Dawoud Bey as one of the best portraitists at work today.
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FORMAT: Hardcover, 9.75 x 11 in. / 164 pgs / 70 color. LIST PRICE: U.S. $45.00 LIST PRICE: CANADA $55 ISBN: 9781597110433 PUBLISHER: Aperture AVAILABLE: 9/1/2007 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: No longer our product AVAILABILITY: Not Available
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| Dawoud Bey: Class Pictures Published by Aperture. Text by Jock Reynolds, Taro Nettleton. Interview by Carrie Mae Weems. For the past 15 years, Dawoud Bey has been making striking, large-scale color portraits of students at high schools across the United States. Depicting teenagers from a wide economic, social and ethnic spectrum--and intensely attentive to their poses and gestures--he has created a highly diverse group portrait of a generation that intentionally challenges teenage stereotypes.
Bey spends two to three weeks in each school, taking formal portraits of individual students, each made in a classroom during one 45-minute period. At the start of the sitting, each subject writes a brief autobiographical statement. By turns poignant, funny or harrowing, these revealing words are an integral part of the project, and the subject's statement accompanies each photograph in the book. Together, the words and images in Class Pictures offer unusually respectful and perceptive portraits that establish Dawoud Bey as one of the best portraitists at work today.
| VIEW MORE ONLINE AT: https://www.artbook.com/1597110434.html |
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