Diva! Italian Glamour in Fashion Jewellery Published by Silvana Editoriale. Edited with text by Alba Cappellieri. A history of Italian glamour and craftsmanship, told through the story of costume jewelry A book about costume jewelry and its creative intersections with Italian excellence, Diva! presents 200 Italian fashion jewels from the Dolce Vita of the 1950s to the Prêt-à-Porter of the 1980s, from the minimalism of the 1990s to the neobaroque of the new millennium, telling a typically Italian story—one that combines creativity and manufacturing, craft and industry, art and technology, beauty and innovation.
Designers include: Enzo Pirozzi, Agalma Medusae di Giovanna Micali, Verde Alfieri, Algares di Alba Gallizia, Anna e Alex, Aonie, Rosalba Balsamo, Barbara Biffoli, Giulia Boccafogli, Bea Bongiasca, Mario Bottiglieri, Valentina Brugnatelli, Ca&Lou, Maria Calderara, Ida Callegaro, Fabio Cammarata, Barbara Cardamone, CARDILLO_design, MW di Maria Jennifer Carew, Elisabetta Carozzi, Monica Castiglioni, Rossella Catapano, Vittorio Ceccoli, Cristina Chiari, Sandra Di Giacinto Design, Sandra Dipinto and Eandare di Lucilla Giovanninetti.