| | PUBLISHER The Codex FoundationBOOK FORMAT Clth, 9 x 12 in. / 448 pgs / 735 color. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 11/30/2010 Out of print DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: FALL 2010 p. 127 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9780981791401 TRADE List Price: $155.00 CAD $190.00 AVAILABILITY Not available | TERRITORY WORLD | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
|   |   | THE CODEX FOUNDATIONBook Art ObjectEdited and with Introduction by David Jury. Preface by Peter R. Koch. Text by Sarah Bodman, Felipe Ehrenberg, Stefan Soltek, Robert Bringhurst, Crispen Elsted, Markus Fahrner, Martha Hellion, Jadwiga Jarvis, Gerald Lange.
Book Art Object may be the most ambitious and diverse survey of artist's books and the book arts published to date. Across its 400-plus pages of sumptuous color reproductions, it tracks the present state of the art throughout every continent (including Antarctica!) and through every variant of the book arts, from one-off publications to letterpress to artist/poet collaborations to artist's books. Stalwarts of the artist's book circuit such as Brad Freeman and Granary Books are represented here, as well as newer artist's book publishers such as Dobbin Mill, Otis Laboratory Press and Red Trillum Press. Also well represented are small literary presses such as Chax Press, Arion Press, Indulgence Press and Nikodim Publishing. A visual record of the proceedings and exhibitors attending the first biennial Codex International Book Fair and Symposium, Book Art Object collects work by many of the world's most esteemed printers, book artists and artisans into a single satisfying volume.
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FORMAT: Clth, 9 x 12 in. / 448 pgs / 735 color. LIST PRICE: U.S. $155.00 LIST PRICE: CANADA $190 ISBN: 9780981791401 PUBLISHER: The Codex Foundation AVAILABLE: 11/30/2010 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: Out of print AVAILABILITY: Not available TERRITORY: WORLD | D.A.P. CATALOG: FALL 2010 Page 127 | PRESS INQUIRIES
Tel: (212) 627-1999 ext 217 Fax: (212) 627-9484 Email Press Inquiries: publicity@dapinc.com | TRADE RESALE ORDERS
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| Book Art Object Published by The Codex Foundation. Edited and with Introduction by David Jury. Preface by Peter R. Koch. Text by Sarah Bodman, Felipe Ehrenberg, Stefan Soltek, Robert Bringhurst, Crispen Elsted, Markus Fahrner, Martha Hellion, Jadwiga Jarvis, Gerald Lange. Book Art Object may be the most ambitious and diverse survey of artist's books and the book arts published to date. Across its 400-plus pages of sumptuous color reproductions, it tracks the present state of the art throughout every continent (including Antarctica!) and through every variant of the book arts, from one-off publications to letterpress to artist/poet collaborations to artist's books. Stalwarts of the artist's book circuit such as Brad Freeman and Granary Books are represented here, as well as newer artist's book publishers such as Dobbin Mill, Otis Laboratory Press and Red Trillum Press. Also well represented are small literary presses such as Chax Press, Arion Press, Indulgence Press and Nikodim Publishing. A visual record of the proceedings and exhibitors attending the first biennial Codex International Book Fair and Symposium, Book Art Object collects work by many of the world's most esteemed printers, book artists and artisans into a single satisfying volume.
| VIEW MORE ONLINE AT: https://www.artbook.com/9780981791401.html |
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