| | PUBLISHER Verlag Fur Moderne Kunst NurnbergBOOK FORMAT Hardcover, 8.25 x 11 in. / 176 pgs / 133 color / 20 bw PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 3/15/2005 No longer our product DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: SPRING 2005 p. 149 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9783936711004 TRADE List Price: $45.00 CAD $55.00 AVAILABILITY
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|   |   | VERLAG FUR MODERNE KUNST NURNBERGTakehito Koganezawa: DrawingEssays by Ralf Christofori and Maité Vissault.
A void lies at the center of Takehito Koganezawa's work. "I really want to see nothingness in an exact way. But what I can find has always meaning. So I try to wash out the meaning from an object," says the artist. With minimal deception Koganezawa reveals surreal interpretations of the everyday world which, when crossed with the artist's own emotional inner world allows an exciting range of "mental dreamworlds" to emerge. A comprehensive study of Koganezawa's video works and drawings.
| | | | |  | Walther König, KölnISBN: 9783863351724 USD $27.50 | CAD $37.5Pub Date: 8/31/2012 Active | Out of stock
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FORMAT: Hardcover, 8.25 x 11 in. / 176 pgs / 133 color / 20 b&w LIST PRICE: U.S. $45.00 LIST PRICE: CANADA $55 ISBN: 9783936711004 PUBLISHER: Verlag Fur Moderne Kunst Nurnberg AVAILABLE: 3/15/2005 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: No longer our product AVAILABILITY:
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| Takehito Koganezawa: Drawing Published by Verlag Fur Moderne Kunst Nurnberg. Essays by Ralf Christofori and Maité Vissault. A void lies at the center of Takehito Koganezawa's work. "I really want to see nothingness in an exact way. But what I can find has always meaning. So I try to wash out the meaning from an object," says the artist. With minimal deception Koganezawa reveals surreal interpretations of the everyday world which, when crossed with the artist's own emotional inner world allows an exciting range of "mental dreamworlds" to emerge. A comprehensive study of Koganezawa's video works and drawings.
| VIEW MORE ONLINE AT: https://www.artbook.com/3936711003.html |
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