| | PUBLISHER Gagosian GalleryBOOK FORMAT Hardcover, 14.25 x 10.25 in. / 64 pgs / 29 color / 2 bw PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 5/2/2002 No longer our product DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: FALL 2002 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9781880154700 TRADE List Price: $80.00 CAD $95.00 AVAILABILITY Not available | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
|   |   | GAGOSIAN GALLERYCy Twombly: LepantoEssays by Richard Howard and Kirk Varnedoe.
Lepanto, Cy Twombly's ravishing suite of 12 large canvases in acrylic, crayon, and graphite, may be the artist's most satisfactory work. First exhibited at the Venice Biennale in the summer of 2001, the series depicts the famous 16th century sea battle raged by the combined European forces under Venetian leadership against the Ottoman invasion. Twombly's glorious, luminously intense sequence of panels is meant to be absorbed as a single image, a panoramic portrayal of war on a heroic scale, with the viewer standing in the midst of a battle that ends in the destruction of the Turkish fleet.
| | | | |  | MFA Publications, Museum of Fine Arts, BostonISBN: 9780878468744 USD $65.00 | CAD $91 UK £ 50Pub Date: 8/25/2020 Active | Out of stock
|  | Glenstone MuseumISBN: 9780980108699 USD $35.00 | CAD $47.5 UK £ 30Pub Date: 10/23/2018 Active | Out of stock
|  | D.A.P./Distributed Art PublishersISBN: 9781938922459 USD $75.00 | CAD $99Pub Date: 9/30/2014 Active | In stock
|  | Actes SudISBN: 9782742797417 USD $80.00 | CAD $107.5 UK £ 70Pub Date: 4/30/2012 Active | In stock
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FORMAT: Hardcover, 14.25 x 10.25 in. / 64 pgs / 29 color / 2 b&w LIST PRICE: U.S. $80.00 LIST PRICE: CANADA $95 ISBN: 9781880154700 PUBLISHER: Gagosian Gallery AVAILABLE: 5/2/2002 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: No longer our product AVAILABILITY: Not available
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| Cy Twombly: Lepanto Published by Gagosian Gallery. Essays by Richard Howard and Kirk Varnedoe. Lepanto, Cy Twombly's ravishing suite of 12 large canvases in acrylic, crayon, and graphite, may be the artist's most satisfactory work. First exhibited at the Venice Biennale in the summer of 2001, the series depicts the famous 16th century sea battle raged by the combined European forces under Venetian leadership against the Ottoman invasion. Twombly's glorious, luminously intense sequence of panels is meant to be absorbed as a single image, a panoramic portrayal of war on a heroic scale, with the viewer standing in the midst of a battle that ends in the destruction of the Turkish fleet.
| VIEW MORE ONLINE AT: https://www.artbook.com/1880154706.html |
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