| | PUBLISHER ApertureBOOK FORMAT Hardcover, 10.5 x 12.25 in. / 152 pgs / 144 reproductions throughout. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 6/15/2005 No longer our product DISTRIBUTION Contact Publisher Catalog: PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9780893818807 TRADE List Price: $50.00 CAD $60.00 AVAILABILITY Not Available | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
|   |   | APERTUREMary Ellen Mark: An American Odyssey 1963-1999Poetry by Maya Angelou.
Mark works in a classic documentary mode: her work imprints itself on viewers in the way that only great photography can. --Harpers Bazaar
Recently voted by the readers of American Photography as their favorite woman photographer of all time, Mary Ellen Mark has made some of America's most iconic photographs. She is unsurpassed at shaping both the odd and the everyday into genuinely surprising photographs that subtly yet powerfully challenge our preconceptions or intensify our convictions. Mary Ellen Mark's poetic and at times disquieting photographs form a fascinating portrait of a complex, amusing, and occasionally unsettling country and its people.
| | | | |  | SteidlISBN: 9783969993149 USD $65.00 | CAD $95Pub Date: 4/29/2025 Forthcoming
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|  | SteidlISBN: 9783969990131 USD $85.00 | CAD $123Pub Date: 4/4/2023 Active | Out of stock
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FORMAT: Hardcover, 10.5 x 12.25 in. / 152 pgs / 144 reproductions throughout. LIST PRICE: U.S. $50.00 LIST PRICE: CANADA $60 ISBN: 9780893818807 PUBLISHER: Aperture AVAILABLE: 6/15/2005 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: No longer our product AVAILABILITY: Not Available
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D.A.P. | DISTRIBUTED ART PUBLISHERS Tel: (212) 627-1999 Fax: (212) 627-9484 Customer Service: (800) 338-2665 Email Trade Sales: orders@dapinc.com |
| Mary Ellen Mark: An American Odyssey 1963-1999 Published by Aperture. Poetry by Maya Angelou. Mark works in a classic documentary mode: her work imprints itself on viewers in the way that only great photography can. --Harpers Bazaar
Recently voted by the readers of American Photography as their favorite woman photographer of all time, Mary Ellen Mark has made some of America's most iconic photographs. She is unsurpassed at shaping both the odd and the everyday into genuinely surprising photographs that subtly yet powerfully challenge our preconceptions or intensify our convictions. Mary Ellen Mark's poetic and at times disquieting photographs form a fascinating portrait of a complex, amusing, and occasionally unsettling country and its people.
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