| The Robert Lehman Lectures on Contemporary Art series, 1992-2004, fostered discussion of Dia's West 22nd Street exhibition program and was funded by the Robert Lehman Foundation. Scholars and critics from a variety of disciplines analyzed work shown at Dia within the context of the artists' aesthetic and overall body of work and in relation to larger issues in contemporary culture. Robert Lehman Lectures On Contemporary Art No. 1 Artwork by Brice Marden, Lawrence Weiner. Photographs by Stephen Bann. Contributions by John Vinci. Text by Anne Rorimer. These are the first six provocative lectures on contemporary art initiated by the Dia Center. Artists discussed include Lawrence Weiner, Ketherina Fritsch, Robert Gober and Joseph Beuys. >>more Dia Art Foundation ISBN 9780944521755 US $16.95 CAN $20.00 TRADE Paperback, 5.25 x 8 in. / 208 pgs Pub Date: 06/02/1997 Not available
|  Robert Lehman Lectures On Contemporary Art No. 2 Edited by Lynne Cooke, Karen Kelly Bettina Funcke. Essays by Beatriz Colomina, Juan Maidagan, Dave Hickey, Michael Newman, Robert Farris Thompson, David Sylvester and Marina Warner. Foreword by Michael Govan. Finally Available Since 1992, Dia has presented the Robert Lehman Lectures on Contemporary Art. Like the Foundation's “Discussions in Contemporary Culture” symposia series, the Lehman lectures are an example of Dia's ongoing commitment to cross-disciplinary >>more Dia Art Foundation ISBN 9780944521786 US $16.95 CAN $24.00 TRADE Paperback, 5.5 x 8 in. / 200 pgs / 18 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 03/02/2004 In stock
|  Robert Lehman Lectures on Contemporary Art No. 4 Edited by Lynne Cooke, Karen Kelly and Barbara Schröder. Essays by Dave Hickey, Rosalind Krauss, Ulrich Loock, Alexander Alberro, Jan Avgikos, Richard Shiff, Dirk Snauwaert, Miwon Kwon, Colin Gardner. Foreword by Philippe Vergne. Since 1992, the Dia Center for the Arts has presented the Robert Lehman Lectures on Contemporary Art—an example of Dia's ongoing commitment to cross-disciplinary critical discourse. This fourth volume of collected theoretical and critical essays >>more Dia Art Foundation ISBN 9780944521793 US $16.95 CAN $24.00 TRADE Pbk, 5.5 x 8 in. / 200 pgs / 14 color / 88 b&w. Pub Date: 10/31/2009 In stock
|  Robert Lehman Lectures On Contemporary Art No. 3 Edited by Lynne Cooke, Karen Kelly, Bettina Funcke. Essays by Lynne Cooke, Jonathan Crary, Russel Fergusson, Boris Groys, Pamela Kort, Bérènice Reynaud, Victor Stoichita, Elaine Showalter, Jan Tumlir and Peter Wollen. Foreword by Michael Govan. This third volume of collected theoretical and critical essays focuses on Dia's exhibitions from 1998 through 2000. As in the first two volumes, nine diverse contributors are included, ranging from art historian Jonathan Crary and >>more Dia Art Foundation ISBN 9780944521779 US $16.95 CAN $24.00 TRADE Paperback, 5.5 x 8 in. / 200 pgs / 18 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 07/02/2004 In stock
|  Robert Lehman Lectures on Contemporary Art No. 5 Introduction by Lynne Cooke. Text by Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Rebecca Comay, Brian Dillon, Mark Godfrey, Branden W. Joseph, Tom McDonough, Molly Nesbit, Marina Warner. From 1992 to 2004, Dia Art Foundation presented the Robert Lehman Lectures on Contemporary Art, in which a distinguished array of scholars, critics and cultural historians engaged in cross-disciplinary critical discourse around Dia's exhibition program. >>more Dia Art Foundation ISBN 9780944521809 US $16.95 CAN $24.00 TRADE Pbk, 5.25 x 8 in. / 176 pgs / 12 color / 45 b&w. Pub Date: 09/30/2014 In stock
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