Fausta Squatriti

Museum Exhibition Catalogues, Monographs, Artist's Projects, Curatorial Writings and Essays

"Disengaging herself from the general context of styles and sign systems, Squatriti turns to something that as yet does not have an interpretation; gaining her freedom, she isolates herself from the obsolete knowledge system that surrounds her and acquires her own, thus becoming a potentially dangerous member of society. Her creative force arouses fear, doubt, uneasiness, rejection. And the multiple forms of Squatriti's creative canons do not help her find a place in the Areopagus of the arts: oh blessed solitude, oh sole blessedness.
It is clear that her existence as an outsider does not affect the biographical-external perception. The awareness of a limit by going beyond that limit, the analysis of what happens along that borderline--condensations, dilations, pulsations--or rather the inner state of the century: a colossal creative tension. Here we find the region of revelations from the frontier. The initiation into the edge of the abyss This is what Fausta achieves in all the areas of her art, with a constant transition from the pictorial space to the rigorous paradoxes of graphic art, from the expressive geometric power of sculpture to the complex collages and the unexpected drop out of solid materials; from the refined book-objects to the architectural structure of poetry. Everything becomes an area of research and discovery of boundaries. An interchange between her own paradigms. Constant neoformations that undermine everything that is usual in the world and in us.
Only by crossing borders, exterior and interior, can vitality be preserved. This brings Squatriti close to the eternal Russian aspiration to be exceptional."
Evelina Schatz, excerpted from A Cubic Portrait of the Artist in Ecce Homo.


Fausta Squatriti: Ecce Homo

Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 184 pgs / 88 color. | 9/30/2010 | Not available

Fausta Squatriti: Ecce HomoFausta Squatriti: Ecce Homo

Published by Charta.
Edited by Evelina Schatz. Text by Evelina Schatz, Angela Madesani, Elisabetta Longari, Michail Pogarskij.

Fausta Squatriti (born 1941) is an Italian sculptor, painter and poet, active since the late 1960s in the Italian avant garde. Since 1987, the artist has used her diverse practice to investigate the dichotomies and extremes of human nature. This publication presents four themed cycles made between 1998 and 2009 that incorporate collaged imagery and extreme material juxtapositions.


Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 184 pgs / 88 color.

Pub Date
No longer our product

D.A.P. Exclusive
Catalog: FALL 2010 p. 162   

ISBN 9788881587698 TRADE
List Price: $39.95 CAD $50.00

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