Published by Verlag für moderne Kunst. Text by Maria Lind, Friedemann Malsch, Dieter Roelstraete, Bettina Baumgärtel.
Swedish installation artist Matts Leiderstam (born 1956) takes art history itself as his material, specifically portrait and landscape painting of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Using simple optical instruments (color filters, magnifying glasses, slide projections and computer animations, Leiderstam exposes buried narratives in these works, presenting his discoveries as archives and archival installations.
Published by Minetta Brook. Edited by Lucy Flint. Essays by Lynne Cooke and Peggy Phelan.
Matts Leiderstam's project, View, includes two parts: a book and binoculars fitted with colored lenses at two sites in the Hudson River Valley. The book contains photographs made by Leiderstam with a Claude Lorrain mirror and Claude Lorrain glasses--instruments used since the eighteenth century to transform natural settings into landscapes. In an instant, the time of day or year is altered. View invites readers and visitors to the Hudson Valley to revisit the landscapes of the Hudson River School painters through a contemporary artist's eye.
PUBLISHER Minetta Brook
BOOK FORMAT Paperback, 7.75 x 6 in. / 72 pgs / 30 color / 3 bw / 25 duotone.
PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 1/15/2005 Out of print
DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: SPRING 2005 p. 139
PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9780972322034TRADE List Price: $20.00 CAD $27.95 GBP £17.50