Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
Sharon Lee Hart: Sanctuary
Portraits of Rescued Farm Animals
Text by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, Sharon Lee Hart, Gene Bauer, Karen Davis, Kathy Stevens.
This first monograph by Lexington–based photographer Sharon Lee Hart is a book of dignified black-and-white portraits of rescued farm animals, accompanied by handwritten stories by sanctuary workers. A lifelong vegetarian, Hart considers farm animals “some of the most abused, overlooked animals on the planet.” For this project, she traveled to sanctuaries in Virginia, Florida, Maryland, Michigan and New York State to document “the lucky few who are free to live out their lives in peace.” Not surprisingly, after spending time with the animals she discovered that each had its unique personality. “Some are quirky or funny, while others sensitive, shy, playful, intelligent, mischievous, or inquisitive. And all seemed to have complex emotional lives.” These characteristics come through in Hart’s poignant photographs. Essays are by Karen Davis, president of United Poultry Concerns; Kathy Stevens, founder of the Catskill Animal Sanctuary; and Gene Bauer, founder of Farm Sanctuary.
Featured image, of a farm sheep named Hickory, is reproduced from Sharon Lee Hart: Sanctuary.
"This book by Sharon Lee Hart brings you directly into the lives of the animals she has photographed. You know that she has done so with respect and with love. This is not 'voyeurism' but a chance to come directly into contact with animals that are living, breathing beings, as Sharon has experienced them. I hope that by seeing what Sharon has been able to achieve with her camera (and her heart), you will be inspired to visit one of the sanctuaries featured in the volume and see for yourself the animals whose expressive, poignant photographic portraits are included here."
—Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, excerpted from the Foreword to Sharon Lee Hart: Sanctuary.
FORMAT: Hbk, 9.5 x 6.75 in. / 88 pgs / 36 duotone. LIST PRICE: U.S. $29.95 LIST PRICE: CANADA $35 ISBN: 9788881588459 PUBLISHER: Charta AVAILABLE: 9/30/2012 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: No longer our product AVAILABILITY: Not available
Sharon Lee Hart: Sanctuary Portraits of Rescued Farm Animals
Published by Charta. Text by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, Sharon Lee Hart, Gene Bauer, Karen Davis, Kathy Stevens.
This first monograph by Lexington–based photographer Sharon Lee Hart is a book of dignified black-and-white portraits of rescued farm animals, accompanied by handwritten stories by sanctuary workers. A lifelong vegetarian, Hart considers farm animals “some of the most abused, overlooked animals on the planet.” For this project, she traveled to sanctuaries in Virginia, Florida, Maryland, Michigan and New York State to document “the lucky few who are free to live out their lives in peace.” Not surprisingly, after spending time with the animals she discovered that each had its unique personality. “Some are quirky or funny, while others sensitive, shy, playful, intelligent, mischievous, or inquisitive. And all seemed to have complex emotional lives.” These characteristics come through in Hart’s poignant photographs. Essays are by Karen Davis, president of United Poultry Concerns; Kathy Stevens, founder of the Catskill Animal Sanctuary; and Gene Bauer, founder of Farm Sanctuary.