Edited with text by Andréas Lang. Text by Elisabetta Corrà, Gérard Essomba, David Van Reybrouck, Benedikt Stuchtey, Albert Pascal Temgoua.
Lang’s sites and landscapes of Central Africa conjure the phantoms of the colonial era, in limbo between reality and fiction
Based on the research of his great-grandfather, photographer and video artist Andréas Lang (born 1971) sets out to discover a lost chapter of German colonial history in Central Africa: a frontier expedition to take possession of the territory of the French Congo.
STATUS: Forthcoming | 3/25/2025
This title is not yet published in the U.S. To pre-order or receive notice when the book is available, please email orders @ artbook.com
Andréas Lang: A Phantom Geography Cameroon and Congo
Published by Spector Books. Edited with text by Andréas Lang. Text by Elisabetta Corrà, Gérard Essomba, David Van Reybrouck, Benedikt Stuchtey, Albert Pascal Temgoua.
Lang’s sites and landscapes of Central Africa conjure the phantoms of the colonial era, in limbo between reality and fiction
Based on the research of his great-grandfather, photographer and video artist Andréas Lang (born 1971) sets out to discover a lost chapter of German colonial history in Central Africa: a frontier expedition to take possession of the territory of the French Congo.