Edited by Hans Hansen. Text by Reinhard Braun, Florian Ebner, Gottfried Jäger, Maren Lübbke-Tidow, Esther Ruelfs, Adrian Sauer.
One artist’s meticulous record of analog photography equipment in anticipation of the death of the medium
Hans Hansen’s (born 1940) Analog project, which the artist has been engaged with since the 1990s, comprises a more or less complete document of all the equipment, utensils and materials that he has needed and accumulated over his many years as a photographer making analog prints.
STATUS: Forthcoming | 3/25/2025
This title is not yet published in the U.S. To pre-order or receive notice when the book is available, please email orders @ artbook.com
Published by Spector Books. Edited by Hans Hansen. Text by Reinhard Braun, Florian Ebner, Gottfried Jäger, Maren Lübbke-Tidow, Esther Ruelfs, Adrian Sauer.
One artist’s meticulous record of analog photography equipment in anticipation of the death of the medium
Hans Hansen’s (born 1940) Analog project, which the artist has been engaged with since the 1990s, comprises a more or less complete document of all the equipment, utensils and materials that he has needed and accumulated over his many years as a photographer making analog prints.