Hatje Cantz World Press Photo Yearbook

World Press Photo Yearbook 2024
World Press Photo Yearbook 2024
Introduction with text by Joumana El Zein Khoury. Text by Julieta Escardó, Syb Kuiper, John Minchillo, Elyor Nematov, Nii Obodai, Fiona Shields, Anastasia Taylor-Lind, Veejay Villafranca.

Independent photojournalism and documentary photography are indispensable tools of political education for a democratic society and an essential part of shaping public opinion—especially in our “post-factual” times. In recognition of this, the independent nonprofit World >>more

Hatje Cantz
ISBN 9783775756990
US $40.00 CAN $58.00 TRADE
Hbk, 7.5 x 9.75 in. / 208 pgs / 250 color.
Pub Date: 07/09/2024 In stock

World Press Photo Yearbook 2023
World Press Photo Yearbook 2023

Since 1955, the annual World Press Photo Contest has set the standard in visual journalism. The 2023 Yearbook showcases the most striking press photographs and compelling reports from 2022, carefully selected from thousands of entries >>more

Hatje Cantz
ISBN 9783775754330
US $39.95 CAN $55.95 TRADE
Hbk, 7.5 x 9.75 in. / 240 pgs / 200 color.
Pub Date: 08/15/2023 In stock