BOOK FORMAT Hardcover, 6.25 x 8.5 in. / 48 pgs / 21 color.
PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 7/31/2011 Active
DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: SPRING 2011 p. 166
PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9788895410241TRADE List Price: $62.00 CAD $82.50
"…I invited Papageorge to be the holder of the 2010 Rome Commission, and, that winter, we began writing to each other about how to structure a possible work on Rome. Eventually as I considered the two major traditions of recent North American photography, I suggested a strategy for overcoming the classic dialectic opposition of topographers/street photographers. Papageorge agreed with this suggestion immediately, replying: 'I very much like your phrase, "a sort of overcoming of street photography."' I then imagined the entire project as an examination of the repetition compulsion as it is demonstrated in many photographers' work: 'topographic' Roman frames would be chosen that Papageorge would then fill with life. In reality, however, things worked out differently: as ever, in art, freedom conquers any plans: a few hours after Tod Papageorge had arrived in Rome, he began a flanerie (strange to use a French word for an American in Rome), at first without aim, and then, almost systematically, by moving through the Pigneto, Mandrione, Ostia, Garbatella, Prati, parks, train stations, suburban avenues and, of course, the centre."
Marco Delogu, excerpted from "An American Flaneur in Rome," in Tod Papageorge: Opera Città.
Tod Papageorge: Opera Città
FotoGrafia 2010 Rome Commission
Published by Punctum Essay by Marco Delogu.
In Opera Città, Tod Papageorge pays homage to Rome and the act of flanerie. He strolled though the city, at first without any aim, and then almost systematically, through various neighborhoods, parks, train stations, suburban avenues and the city center. Through his lens, the much-photographed city could be any urban area, filled with ordinary people living their lives.
In 2009, while a resident of the prestigious American Academy in Rome, photographer and Yale Photography legend Tod Papageorge was invited to hold the 2010 Rome Commission, for which he eventually produced a remarkable body of photographs of the people and places of that city, which have been collected in Opera Città
. Beautifully printed and bound with an accordion fold, this volume contains no captions—only a series of hypnotic, cumulatively telling, full-spread images which curator Marco Delogu describes in his text, An American Flaneur in Rome, as featuring "relatively few details; a lot of gesture, although never of the spectacular kind; un-Roman-like places within a city that you cannot easily recognize; and a camera-narrator who almost no one ever notices."
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The D.A.P. Catalog
Distributed by D.A.P.
FORMAT: Hbk, 6.25 x 8.5 in. / 48 pgs / 21 color. LIST PRICE: U.S. $62.00 LIST PRICE: CANADA $82.5 ISBN: 9788895410241 PUBLISHER: Punctum AVAILABLE: 7/31/2011 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: Active AVAILABILITY: In stock TERRITORY: NA ONLY
Tod Papageorge: Opera Città FotoGrafia 2010 Rome Commission
Published by Punctum. Essay by Marco Delogu.
In Opera Città, Tod Papageorge pays homage to Rome and the act of flanerie. He strolled though the city, at first without any aim, and then almost systematically, through various neighborhoods, parks, train stations, suburban avenues and the city center. Through his lens, the much-photographed city could be any urban area, filled with ordinary people living their lives.