
Variantology V: Neapolitan Affairs
Variantology V: Neapolitan Affairs
Edited by Siegfried Zielinski, Eckhard Furlus. The Biblioteca Nazionale in Naples boasts one of Europe's most beautiful collections of books and manuscripts. It was there that the Variantologists met for what may be their final congress. Their discussions traversed the "deep >>more

Walther König, Köln
ISBN 9783865608871
US $75.00 CAN $99.00 TRADE
Pbk, 6.25 x 9.25 in. / 608 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 09/30/2011 Out of stock

Variantology 4
Variantology 4
Edited by Eckhard Fürlus and Siegfried Zielinski. Text by Ulrich Alertz, Hans Belting, Arianna Borrelli, Almut Sh. Bruckstein, Vilem Flusser, Irit Batsry, et al. Variantology 4 revisits the early western encounter with the technological marvels of early Arabic culture. It presents scholarship on a range of subjects relating to the overlap between the arts and the sciences, from musical >>more

Walther König, Köln
ISBN 9783865607324
US $75.00 CAN $99.00 TRADE
Pbk, 6.25 x 9.25 in. / 518 pgs / 136 color.
Pub Date: 03/31/2011 Not available

Variantology 3
Variantology 3
Edited by Eckhard Fürlus. Text by Siegfried Zielinski, Arianna Borrelli, Francesca Bray, Chen Cheng-Yi. The editors of this newest installation of the challenging international art-meets-science-meets-technology journal Variantology endeavor to explain the overlapping and independent histories of European and Chinese media, moving from reflections about the deep time history of >>more

Walther König, Köln
ISBN 9783865603661
US $98.00 CAN $130.00 TRADE
Pbk, 6.25 x 9.25 in. / 478 pgs / 88 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/01/2008 Out of stock

Variantology 2: On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies
Variantology 2: On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies
Edited by Siegfried Zielinski, David Link, Eckhard Fuerlus, Nadine Minkwitz. Text by Amir Alexander, Peter Blegvad, Oksana Bulgakova, Andrea Hacker. What does a thirteenth-century Majorcan missionary have to do with logical machines? Were the astrolabes of the late Middle Ages really only used to calculate the orbits of stars and planets, or were they philosophical >>more

Walther König, Köln
ISBN 9783865600509
US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE
Paperback, 6.25 x 9.25 in. / 350 pgs.
Pub Date: 03/01/2007 Not available

Variantology 1: On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies
Variantology 1: On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies
Edited by Siegfried Zielinski, Silvia Wagnermaier. On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies--this new journal's subtitle sounds intense, but its simple mandate is to study inexact copies wherever they appear--twins, photographs, memories, Warhol silkscreens, forwarded e-mails: what seems standard >>more

Walther König, Köln
ISBN 9783883759142
US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE
Paperback, 6.25 x 9.25 in. / 384 pgs.
Pub Date: 03/01/2007 Not available