DATE 9/27/2024

Source Booksellers presents Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr. launching 'Citizen Printer'

DATE 9/26/2024

Rizzoli Bookstore presents Svetlana Alpers and Mariët Westermann launching 'Is Art History?'

DATE 9/16/2024

From Grandmasters to method actors, 'Chess Players' presents the pure pleasure of the most serious game

DATE 9/15/2024

¡Celebra con nosotros! Hispanic & Latin American Heritage Month Staff Picks, 2024

DATE 9/14/2024

Queens Museum presents Lyle Ashton Harris and Nana Adusei-Poku on 'Our first and last love'

DATE 9/12/2024

Printed Matter presents 'Rian Dundon: Passenger' Launch + Conversation

DATE 9/12/2024

All the kinds of love in a powerful new monograph from Lyle Ashton Harris

DATE 9/12/2024

Rizzoli Bookstore presents Tony Nourmand and Angelina Lippert launching '1001 Movie Posters' in NYC

DATE 9/9/2024

New from DelMonico Books! 'This Morning, This Evening, So Soon: James Baldwin and the Voices of Queer Resistance'

DATE 9/7/2024

Artbook at MoMA PS1 Bookstore presents Gemma Rolls-Bentley, Kari Rittenbach and Daniel Schaeffer on 'Queer Art'

DATE 9/7/2024

Artbook at Hauser & Wirth Los Angeles Bookstore presents Michael Doret launching 'Growing Up in Alphabet City'

DATE 9/6/2024

Join Artbook | D.A.P. at the 2024 ICP Photobook Fest

DATE 9/6/2024

A shudder of American self-recognition in 'Omen'


"Abaporu" (1928) is reproduced from

Tarsila do Amaral, cannibal of Modernism

There is so much to love about this new monograph on the underrecognized Brazilian Modernist Tarsila do Amaral, we hardly know where to begin. First, of course, is the title: Cannibalizing Modernism. Second, please note the tipped-on images on both front and back covers. Next, let us acknowledge the fact that the publisher, MASP, has printed on not one, but several very nice papers. There is also the fact that Tarsila, as the artist is known in her home country, dared to blend Parisian Modernism, as ingested during her years studying with André Lhote, Albert Gleizes and Fernand Léger, with "the art of our caipiras (people from the countryside)." Finally, there is the work itself. Colorful, weird, uninhibited, original, magical. Featured image is "Abaporu" (meaning, "the man who eats), painted in 1928 for the artist's husband, Oswald de Andrade, who was inspired by it to write the Manifesto of Anthropophagy, arguing for the supremacy of Brazilian art and culture specifically because it derived from the "cannibalism" of outside influences.

Tarsila do Amaral: Cannibalizing Modernism

Tarsila do Amaral: Cannibalizing Modernism

Museu de Arte de São Paulo
Hbk, 8 x 10.75 in. / 360 pgs / 358 color.

Heads up on 4/20!

DATE 4/20/2024

Heads up on 4/20!

Vintage Valentine

DATE 2/14/2024

Vintage Valentine