The Future Of...

The Future of Transportation
The Future of Transportation
Edited by Henry Grabar. Text by Atossa Araxia Abrahamian, Darren Andersen, Laura Bliss, Alison Griswold, Nick Van Mead, Christopher Schaberg. Illustrations by Olalekan Jeyifous.

With the promise of delivery drones, personal helicopters, and groceries delivered right to your refrigerator, one might think we are living in the best of transportation times. Most city commuters would be quick to tell >>more

Metropolis Books
ISBN 9781942884453
US $17.95 CAN $24.95 TRADE
Pbk, 4.25 x 7 in. / 124 pgs / 7 color.
Pub Date: 11/19/2019 Out of stock

The Future of Public Space
The Future of Public Space
Introduction by Allison Arieff. Text by Michelle Nijhuis, Jaron Lanier, Rachel Monroe, China Miéville, Christopher DeWolf, Ben Davis, Sarah Fecht. Contributions by Lawrence Weiner.

This book, the latest in the SOM Thinkers series, aims to address these questions. Here, Rachel Monroe challenges American preconceptions of the wild, wide-open West by addressing issues of surveillance; the series’ first fictional piece, >>more

Metropolis Books
ISBN 9781942884163
US $17.95 CAN $25.50 TRADE
Pbk, 4.25 x 7 in. / 144 pgs.
Pub Date: 02/27/2018 Not available

The Future of the Skyscraper
The Future of the Skyscraper
Edited by Philip Nobel. Text by Bruce Sterling, Tom Vanderbilt, Matthew Yglesias, Diana Lind, Will Self, Emily Badger, Dickson Despommier. Illustrations selected by Michael Govan. Engines of industry, expressions of ego or will, tall towers are nonetheless, when they pierce the shared skies, intensely public. We may ask of them artistic questions: what do we make of these things we >>more

Metropolis Books
ISBN 9781938922787
US $17.95 CAN $25.50 TRADE
Pbk, 4.25 x 7 in. / 144 pgs / 7 color.
Pub Date: 06/23/2015 Not available