DATE 9/27/2024

Source Booksellers presents Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr. launching 'Citizen Printer'

DATE 9/26/2024

Rizzoli Bookstore presents Svetlana Alpers and Mariët Westermann launching 'Is Art History?'

DATE 9/16/2024

From Grandmasters to method actors, 'Chess Players' presents the pure pleasure of the most serious game

DATE 9/15/2024

¡Celebra con nosotros! Hispanic & Latin American Heritage Month Staff Picks, 2024

DATE 9/14/2024

Queens Museum presents Lyle Ashton Harris and Nana Adusei-Poku on 'Our first and last love'

DATE 9/12/2024

Printed Matter presents 'Rian Dundon: Passenger' Launch + Conversation

DATE 9/12/2024

All the kinds of love in a powerful new monograph from Lyle Ashton Harris

DATE 9/12/2024

Rizzoli Bookstore presents Tony Nourmand and Angelina Lippert launching '1001 Movie Posters' in NYC

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New from DelMonico Books! 'This Morning, This Evening, So Soon: James Baldwin and the Voices of Queer Resistance'

DATE 9/7/2024

Artbook at MoMA PS1 Bookstore presents Gemma Rolls-Bentley, Kari Rittenbach and Daniel Schaeffer on 'Queer Art'

DATE 9/7/2024

Artbook at Hauser & Wirth Los Angeles Bookstore presents Michael Doret launching 'Growing Up in Alphabet City'

DATE 9/6/2024

Join Artbook | D.A.P. at the 2024 ICP Photobook Fest

DATE 9/6/2024

A shudder of American self-recognition in 'Omen'


"Glass of Absinthe" (1914) is reproduced from

Picasso Sculpture

Featured image is one of six bronze casts editioned under the name "Glass of Absinthe," which Pablo Picasso produced at a Paris foundry in 1914. "With 'Glass of Absinthe,' Picasso set himself the seemingly impossible task of representing in sculpture things that are transparent," according to Anne Umland, co-curator and editor of MoMA's current blockbuster, Picasso Sculpture. "These works take as their subject a glass and its liquid contents. The latter is identified as absinthe, a clear liqueur, by the artist's inspired decision to incorporate a real-life metal absinthe spoon into his work of art. The perforations in these found spoons constitute one form of transparency; the diffuse polka-dot patters that Picasso painted on some of the casts supply another; and the cuts he made into his glasses' paradoxically opaque contours, revealing their interior views, represent a third. Here the revolution announced by Picasso's decision to open up the volumes of his 'Guitar' to light and shadow, incorporating a space as a sculptural material, is taken a step further. His 'Glass of Absinthe' sculptures swallow up real objects, transforming them from things of use into elements worthy of contemplation. This operation would remain a constant in Picasso's sculpture practice, the result of his exceptional openness to the sculptural potential of objects in the world."

Picasso Sculpture

Picasso Sculpture

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Hbk, 9.5 x 12 in. / 320 pgs / 300 color / 200 b&w.

Heads up on 4/20!

DATE 4/20/2024

Heads up on 4/20!

Vintage Valentine

DATE 2/14/2024

Vintage Valentine