Hamburger Bahnhof Secret Universe Series

George Widener: Secret Universe IV
George Widener: Secret Universe IV
Edited by Udo Kittelmann, Claudia Dichter. Text by Barbara Safarova. American artist George Widener (born 1962) developed a passion for calendars, numbers and numerology, historical data, population statistics and mathematical calculations early on in life. His clearly structured drawings combine actual historical events with his >>more

Walther König, Köln
ISBN 9783863352875
US $39.95 CAN $53.95 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.5 in. / 104 pgs / 70 color.
Pub Date: 09/30/2013 Out of stock

Morton Bartlett: Secret Universe III
Morton Bartlett: Secret Universe III
Edited and with foreword by Udo Kittelmann, Claudia Dichter. Text by Lee Kogan. When the freelance photographer and graphic designer Morton Bartlett (1909–1992) died at the age of 83, his relatives found 15 chests among his possessions. Each chest contained a half-life-size doll and its accessories: 12 girls >>more

Walther König, Köln
ISBN 9783863351625
US $39.95 CAN $53.95 TRADE
Pbk, 8 x 9.75 in. / 104 pgs / 36 color.
Pub Date: 08/31/2012 Not available

Horst Ademeit: Secret Universe
Horst Ademeit: Secret Universe
Edited and with text by Udo Kittelmann, Claudia Dichter. From 1989 until his death in 2007, Horst Ademeit documented the presence of “cold rays”--unseen negative forces permeating everyday objects--in thousands of Polaroids and digital photographs, as well as notebooks full of meticulously logged data. >>more

Walther König, Köln
ISBN 9783865609977
US $44.95 CAN $60.00 TRADE
Pbk, 8 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 155 color.
Pub Date: 09/30/2011 Out of stock

Paul Laffoley: Secret Universe 2
Paul Laffoley: Secret Universe 2
Edited by Udo Kittelmann, Claudia Dichter. Text by Claudia Dichter, Raphael Rubinstein. The colorfully diagrammatic paintings of Paul Laffoley (born 1940) have won the artist and architect a devout cult following since the mid-1960s. From his one-room apartment in Boston (dubbed by him “the Boston Visionary Cell”), >>more

Walther König, Köln
ISBN 9783863350888
US $39.95 CAN $50.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 8 x 9.75 in. / 136 pgs / 53 color / 21 b&w.
Pub Date: 02/29/2012 Not available