DESIGNFILEForthcoming for iPadDesign for the Other 90% eBookBy Cynthia E. Smith et al. | | The e-book edition of Cooper-Hewitt’s all-time bestselling title, Design for the Other 90%, includes essays by Paul Polak, Nicholas Negroponte and others on the growing movement among designers, engineers, students, professors, architects and social entrepreneurs to design low-cost solutions for the six billion people in the world who have little or no access to most of the products and services many of us take for granted. Through partnerships both local and global, individuals and organizations around the United States and throughout the world are inventing unique ways to provide better access to food, water, shelter, health, education and energy to those who most need them. | |
DESIGN FOR THE OTHER 90% COOPER HEWITT, SMITHSONIAN DESIGN MUSEUM ISBN: 9780910503976 | US $24.95 Pub Date: 5/15/2007 Out of stock indefinitely | Not available